Philip Gadzekpo - Coordinator, Transfer Center Advising

Philip Gadzekpo

Philip Gadzekpo
Coordinator, Transfer Center Advising

What’s your favorite spot on the CSU campus and why?
The Student Center is my favorite spot so far. I love the fact that I get to see multitudes of diverse students engaged in group discussions, activities, or just ‘chilling’.

If you had your own Magnus outfit, where would you wear it?
If I had a Magnus outfit, I would wear it on campus and back home in Ghana to catch the attention of prospective students.

What advice do you have for students who are choosing a college?
Follow your heart and what gives you joy and fulfilment.

What’s your favorite CSU tradition?
Weekly meetings on Friday to check in with each other!

What’s your favorite CSU fun fact?
CSU is engulfed by reputable companies who are willing to have students put what they have learned into practice. 

Undergraduate Admissions
Phone: 216.687.5411
Toll Free: 888.CSUOHIO

Graduate Admissions
Phone: 216.687.5599

Law Admissions
Phone: 216.687.2304
Toll Free: 866.687.2304