Welcome to the 2024-2025 Academic Year at Cleveland State University! We hope this proves to be an interesting and productive year for all of you. Welcome to our new students and welcome back to our many returning students — we're glad you're all here!
Payment Processing Office – Drop off a check for a tuition payment in our secure night depository located in Berkman Hall between Parking & Transportation Services and the Viking Card Office.? Check or Money Orders accepted.? (BH115A)?
Student Receivables – We help make sure all students pay for their education timely. We assist students with account inquiries via telephone, email or in person. We research and resolve billing disputes and we coordinate repayment agreements. 216-687-5445
Perkins Repayment/Deferment – Perkins is a federal loan program that is replenished by the students who've left the University. As more students repay their Perkins loans, more money becomes available for future allocation. We remind students when their in-school deferment status has elapsed and we provide verification when a student has repaid their Perkins loan in total.
The University's tuition payment plan administrators – after you've received your loans, grants and scholarships, or if you're not eligible for any financial aid, we'll help you set up an interest free payment plan to help distribute the cost of your education. There's no charge to join a payment plan if you join before the first due date, and we'll incorporate most of your educational expenses (tuition, fees, room, board, parking) into your payment plan.
STUDENTS MUST SELECT A REFUND PREFERENCE.? Students who are anticipating financial aid in excess of their tuition expenses, or students who drop courses during the refund period will receive their refund based on their refund preference.? We offer students a choice to receive their refunds via direct depoist through an ACH into your personal bank account at no charge.? Set up your refund preference through your CampusNet account (click on the Account tab, then the Refund tab).? If no refund selection is made, a paper check will be issued after 10 days.
Have a question?
Search our Billing FAQ for more information