Award-winning CSU Film Alum Lawhorn Hones Craft

Joshua Lawhorn to be featured in an upcoming production of "A. Periplum"

Lawhorn.jpgCleveland State University Alum Joshua Lawhorn (class of 2018) is playing a significant role in the upcoming production of "A. Periplum," a one-woman dance performance with live music, is described as ???taking the audience on a spellbinding journey, from the landscapes of inner longings to the literal and figurative mountains one must climb on the way to becoming ourselves.???

He serves as Director and Editor.

The show is slated to run June 2nd and 3rd at 7:30 p.m. at Pilgrim Church Theatre in Tremont, located at 2592 W. 14th Street.

Lawhorn???s love of film came very young and has stuck with him ever since.

???I???ve been infatuated with movies ever since I can remember,??? he said. ???I would dream up movies on long car rides in my head, and I always wanted to learn how to make them, but I didn???t think it was possible.???

It soon went from a pipe dream to reality after attending CSU, where he learned it wasn???t just an unrealistic career path but a dream he could pursue and flourish in.

???I???m so thankful for CSU professors John Vourlis, Maria Gigante & Cigdem Slankard - they helped shape me into the filmmaker I am today,??? said Lawhorn. ???Also, while attending Cleveland State, I met some of my closest colleagues such as Najada Davis & Jessica Halas [and] we continue to push each other and work on projects together [and] it is incredible to see how much we???ve grown since.???

As for the upcoming show, he works with his fianc??, Alice Blumenfeld, an accomplished flamenco dancer. While the two were in New Mexico visiting her family, she had asked Lawhorn to film some pieces of her in the landscape there to incorporate into the performance. The goal was to capture footage of significant landscapes in shaping who she is. Although he had never captured dance footage before, the concept intrigued him, and he took it as a test of his skills.

a periplum.jpg???I saw this as a challenge because I???m always looking to step out of my comfort zone and try new experiences,??? said Lawhorn. ???At first, I didn???t know how I was going to tell these stories - stories of the inner and outer landscapes that shape who we are -but I knew if I started capturing footage, the stories would eventually reveal themselves to me [and] I???m glad I listened to my intuition because I think these cinematic pieces perfectly capture the inner landscapes we all escape to during our private moments of reflection.???

Many students head to CSU each year for film studies, and Lawhorn says a lot of times, there is a misconception that all you have to do is show up to class, complete the assignments, and pass exams. While that earns a degree, there is more to it, according to Lawhorn.

???Students must remind themselves that they won???t be in college forever and you can???t pay the bills with the first three letters of the alphabet and that you have to put yourself out there and talk to your peers,??? he said. ???More than likely, one of them will give you a recommendation for a job; take the time to go to networking events and meet professionals working in your field [and] absorb as much knowledge as you can and be willing to listen and above all, make a concerted effort to learn something new every day.???

Lawhorn says there are times in his career that have tested him, but it???s important to remember that perseverance is crucial to success in the long run.

???There will be moments that test your fortitude, but you have to keep your eye on the prize and keep pushing forward,??? he said. ???Don???t give up because it???s during your darkest moments when you experience growth.???

He added: ???Rome wasn???t built in a day, and neither was a successful person???s career.???

For those wishing to attend the event, tickets can be purchased at

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