Camp Introduces High School Students to Careers in Health, Medicine

The Viking CHAMPS (Careers in Health and Medical Professions) camp introduces high school students to a wide variety of high-wage, high-skills careers in health and medicine. It brings students to health professions early on in their academic career through authentic learning experiences and access to professionals in the field.

It???s a perfect companion to Cleveland State University???s Pathways to Practice Program, which provides four unique pathways to medical school for students who have a passion for medicine and for serving urban communities.

If you???ve always wanted to be a physician but second-guessed it as a goal, the P2P program is for you.

This partnership with Northeast Ohio medical institutions offers a soup-to-nuts program assisting underrepresented minority students???those who identify as African American and/or Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, Pacific Islander and more???to enroll to medical school.

Viking CHAMPS camp offered participants a taste of their future in that study tract during the three-week summer camp. Hear from Timothy McKnight, MD, MSHM, executive director of Pathways to Practice at CSU and from students who participated in CHAMPS!

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