Chris Mallett Draws on Experience to Help Young People at Risk

Firsthand experience as a licensed social worker and attorney inspired the research interests of Chris Mallett, Ph.D., a professor of social work at Cleveland State University.

“Too many times, I saw young people enter the juvenile justice system for unnecessary reasons and spend time in detention centers or incarceration facilities,” said Dr. Mallett, who coordinates the Bachelor of Social Work program at CSU.

“Most of them were struggling with traumas such as maltreatment or poverty, as well as related mental health and school disabilities or difficulties,” he said. “These issues often led to problem behaviors and juvenile court involvement.”

Spanning the areas of child and adolescent trauma, schools and delinquency, Dr. Mallett’s cross-disciplinary research has pointed the way toward avoiding harsh disciplinary outcomes by proactively identifying traumas, disabilities and difficulties that could lead to trouble.

He recently joined the School Pathways to the Juvenile Justice System team, an initiative of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, which provides training and assistance to school districts and juvenile courts nationwide.

Have a look at the CSU Office of Research’s Featured Researcher video series for more on Dr. Mallett’s work.