CSU and Tel Aviv University Sign Memorandum of Understanding

Future collaborations may include student exchange programs and joint research programs

Presidents Ronald M. Berkman of Cleveland State University and Joseph Klafter of Tel Aviv University (TAU) signed a memorandum of understanding between the universities that calls for CSU and TAU to establish mutually beneficial educational and research activities, including student exchange programs, faculty exchange programs, joint degree programs and joint research programs.

Among the joint offerings being explored is a program that would bring Israeli hospital leaders to Cleveland to complete a curriculum that would incorporate faculty from CSU, Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) and Cleveland Clinic's Samson Global Leadership Academy, as well as site visits to Cleveland Clinic hospitals. CSU and TAU also may collaborate on conferences, seminars and symposia.

The university leaders were joined for the signing ceremony in Tel Aviv by Elad Granot, Ph.D., assistant dean of MBA programs at CSU’s Monte Ahuja College of Business, as well as Aron Shai, rector of TAU, and Raanan Rein, vice president of TAU.

“Cleveland State University's commitment to a global experience extends beyond our classrooms and into the world at large,” President Berkman said. “Through this latest agreement, CSU will gain another global connection that stands to benefit the universities and our communities.”

TAU is the largest and most comprehensive institution of higher learning in Israel, with more than 30,000 students studying across nine faculties, 29 schools and 98 departments.

The memorandum of understanding formalizes a relationship that began when President Berkman and President Klafter met during a 2014 CSU Executive MBA study tour of Israel. CSU signed a similar agreement last year with the University of Haifa, the largest comprehensive research university in Israel’s northern region.