CSU Awarded $1 Million to Lead Innovation and Technology Transfer Initiative
The Ohio Federal Research Network has awarded Cleveland State University $1 million to help lead a statewide initiative focused on furthering the research priorities and economic impact of federal laboratories located in Ohio.
The University will partner with Lorain County Community College (LCCC) to provide business development, technology transfer and industry outreach to four technical Centers of Excellence housed in Ohio universities across the state. The Centers will conduct research in key technology areas that are central to future aerospace innovation. The work will be conducted in partnership with the Air Force Research Laboratory in Dayton and NASA Glen Research Center in Cleveland.
“Ohio’s federal research laboratories are a significant economic generator and jobs engine for the state, while also driving additional private sector growth” said Ronald M. Berkman, President of Cleveland State University. “This is the first comprehensive and proactive plan to further the societal and economic impact of this research for the good of our state and the nation as a whole.”
Ohio’s federal and military installations and private sector contractors collectively account for $7 billion in research and development, employ over 100,000 Ohioans and have a $10.7 billion economic impact on the state annually.
CSU and LCCC will collaborate with university technology transfer offices and researchers, state resources such as the Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership and JobsOhio, regional economic development agencies and industry partners to accelerate the commercialization of technologies developed through the Centers and further Ohio’s aerospace and high tech manufacturing sectors. The four initial Centers of Excellence will be located at Case Western Reserve University, University of Dayton, The Ohio State University and Wright State University. A second round of funding is currently ongoing and will create additional centers for other regions of the state.
“By strengthening the technology transfer and commercialization outcomes of federal research conducted in Ohio we can promote business development and job creation in our communities and increase the overall impact of federal investment in the state,” added Jerzy T. Sawicki, CSU Vice President for Research.
The Ohio Federal Research Network is a component of Ohio’s Federal Military Jobs 中国体育彩票APP下载 which was established by the state legislature in 2015. The initiative seeks to align Ohio research universities with key government research requirements, promote additional federal and industry investment in the state and enhance overall economic and societal impact.