CSU Hosts Supplier Diversity Vendor Xchange, August 25

In an effort to enhance diversity in purchasing and business operations, Cleveland State University will host an information session to assist minority-owned businesses in working with the university. The Supplier Diversity Vendor Xchange will offer area firms the opportunity to showcase their products and services to CSU offices and departments, while learning more about the university’s purchasing operations and regulations. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday, August 25 in CSU’s Student Center Ballroom, 2121 Euclid Avenue.

“Enhancing supplier diversity for governmental institutions and public universities is a key component to the ultimate success of minority-owned businesses, and is central to the state of Ohio’s overall diversity and economic development goals,” says Stephanie McHenry, CSU’s Senior Vice President of Finance and Business Affairs. “CSU is committed to enhancing opportunities for minority owned businesses and this event will serve as another vehicle for increasing the number of these firms that work with the university.”

The Xchange is targeted at firms who have received certification from the state of Ohio as a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) or for businesses participating in the Encouraging Diversity, Growth and Equity (EDGE) program. Both initiatives are designed to increase supplier diversity among public institutions for minorities and economically disadvantaged groups.

For more information about CSU’s supplier diversity initiatives visit, http://www.csuohio.edu/business-finance/supplier-diversity-initiative-c…. To learn more about the MBE and EDGE programs visit, http://das.ohio.gov/Divisions/EqualOpportunity/MBEEDGECertification.aspx.