Best Poster Prizes Awarded for Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium

usra2022.jpgUndergraduate research students presented their work at the 2022 Undergraduate Research Poster Session on September 22. Students, faculty, and staff presented research that was funded by the Undergraduate Summer Research Award (USRA) Program and the McNair Scholars Program.

Based on faculty votes, the first place prize was awarded to James Iler for his poster titled "Protecting Information with Linearized Polynomials." With mentoring from Department of Mathematics and Statistics faculty members Dr. Hiram L??pez and Dr. Ivan Soprunov and graduate student Kyle Traum, James developed an error-correcting code to protect messages from eavesdropping when transmitted over insecure channels.

Additional posters receiving awards were:

  • George Tomaras (advisors Chandra Kothapalli and Petru Fodor) "Development of Micromixing Strategies Using Elements of Elongational Flow"
  • Olivia Russo (advisors Grace Huang and Eddie Lam) "A Mixed Method Approach to Examine Resettled Refugees' Parenting Practices"
  • Kara Timinski (advisor Mekki Bayachou) "Modified Silver Nanoparticles Coated with Alginate Hydrogels as a Drug Delivery Platform to Modulate Biological Function"
  • Marko Krieger (advisor Metin Uz) "Flexible Electronic Device For On-Demand Ocular Drug Delivery"
  • Dawud Sharieff (advisor Antonie van den Bogert) "Simulation-based estimation of muscle forces from wearable sensors"

The Office of Research congratulates all of the students and their mentors, and encourages undergraduate and graduate students to continue to actively engage in research.


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