Society of Professional Journalists to Host Regional Conference at CSU

The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) is holding its Region Four Annual Conference titled ???Make Room: Diversifying our Coverage, Skills and Community" at Cleveland State University. CSU???s SPJ student chapter is teaming up with the Cleveland SPJ professional chapter to host the two-day conference. Professional and student journalists from across four states will convene for panels and discussions on Friday, March 8 and Saturday, March 9.

The conference will feature various panels from prominent journalists about broadening both skills and knowledge with a focus on diversity in the newsroom and in media coverage. Examples of panel topics include ???Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Female Editors Share their Stories,??? ???Navigating the Newsroom: How to Make Your Voice Heard??? and ???First Amendment Rights for Students.???

The conference begins on Friday at 7 p.m. with trivia and networking at the historic City Club of Cleveland. The event reconvenes at 8 a.m. on Saturday in the CSU Glasscock Ballroom. The day will consist of breakout panel discussions, keynote speakers and the announcement of the Mark of Excellence Awards, which honor the best in student journalism. 

SPJ is a nationally recognized organization ???dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism and stimulating high standards of ethical behavior.???

Click here for more information and to purchase tickets for the conference.