Report an Invention

The invention disclosure form is an important first step in the process of ultimately protecting and licensing your invention. With the information you provide, we can evaluate your invention’s commercial potential and the University’s ability to protect the invention through patents or copyrights.

Invention disclosure forms are confidential documents that provide a written, dated record of the creation of an invention.

E-mail the completed form to the Director of the Technology Transfer Office, Jack Kraszewski, and send the original copy to Parker Hannifin Hall, Room 214. Forms | Policies | Commercialization Process | Frequently Asked Questions | Contact Us

As of March 16, 2013, the United States joined the rest of the world in becoming a “first to file” system – vesting patent ownership to those who were first to file the patent application on the invention. Therefore, to ensure that the University can properly secure patent rights, the best practice is to file an invention disclosure form right after a right after the invention has been reduced to practice, but before a first public disclosure (i.e. publications, presentations, offer for sale, sales, or communications with third parties). Early disclosure increases the chances of obtaining a patent on the technology and also facilitates the collection of inventor signatures and records from students and faculty who may leave the university.

Therefore, alert our staff to:

  • Any upcoming publications or presentations related to the invention
  • Any related sponsored research contracts and activities
  • Any third parties who may be interested in commercializing the invention

Also, include supporting data and copies of all literature references (including other patents or patent applications, journal articles, and handouts) with the invention disclosure form. Submitting complete information allows the TTO to make informed and timely decisions and will make it easier for an attorney to draft a patent application in the event that the University decides to file one.

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue
Parker Hannifin Hall, 2nd Floor
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Hall, Room 214
2258 Euclid Avenue
Phone: 216.687.9364
Fax: 216.687.9214