Kayla Dennis - Transfer Recruitment Specialist

Kayla Dennis

Kayla Dennis
Transfer Recruitment Specialist

What's your favorite spot on the CSU campus and why?
My favorite spot on campus is a tie between the College of Engineering and the Student Center. The Engineering School is such an awesome area to tour if you haven't seen it already. This location is an amazing resource for students, faculty and staff with awesome technology, resources and study nooks. I may be bias, but I think it is one of the coolest, most modernized buildings on campus. The student center is a great place to kick back, chill and enjoy some great food! Both offer nice secluded places when you need time to wind down. Also, the views from both are fantastic on the second floors.

If you had your own Magnus outfit, where would you wear it?
If I had my own Magnus outfit, I would wear it to Cavs or CSU basketball game. I've always wondered what it's like to be in a mascot uniform. 

What advice do you have for students who are choosing a college?
A piece of advice I would give to students who are trying to choose a college is to take your time. There is no rush. Weigh all of your options then make an informed decision. And if you decide the decision you made wasn't the right one, never feel ashamed to speak up and own it. It's okay to mess up and try again. 

What's your favorite CSU fun fact?
I love that some of CSU's buildings were once Millionaires' Row. I am a nerd for anything history-related, so that was very intriguing to me. I highly recommend going into one of the buildings and checking out the architecture when you have the time.


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