Copyright Workshops

Title Description Presenter Resources
Copyright & Streaming Video in Online Teaching Are you curious whether you can legally use video in your online class? Attend this session to learn more about the parts of the copyright law that pertains to using video in the classroom, as well as how the library can help you incorporate streaming video into your teaching and assignments. Mandi Goodsett, Michael Schwartz 中国体育彩票APP下载: Recording
Affordable Course Material Increasingly, students are challenged by the costs of going to college, and one cost that can be especially surprising and impactful is the cost of textbooks. High textbook costs often lead students to try to get by without their textbooks, putting them at an academic disandvantage. Attend this workshop to discover options for course material that are library-licensed, low cost, or completely free for your students. Mandi Goodsett, Michael Schwartz 中国体育彩票APP下载: Recording
Open Textbooks Open textbooks are complete, legitimate textbooks licensed to be freely used, edited, and distributed. Increasingly, faculty members across the country are adopting open textbooks as one way to address affordability and increase their flexibility in the classroom. In this workshop, you will learn about open textbooks and discover what open resources are available in your field. Mandi Goodsett, Michael Schwartz 中国体育彩票APP下载: Recording
Acquiring Online Course Materials: Licensing & Copyright Having trouble finding online materials for your course? This workshop will explain how the library can help provide your students with ebooks and streaming video. We'll also discuss common copyright concerns for using online course materials. Mandi Goodsett & Hannah Pearson, Michael Schwartz 中国体育彩票APP下载: Recording
Using Copyrighted Materials in the Classroom & Online Want to make sure that you are using copyrighted materials appropriately? In this workshop learn how to legally use coprighted materials in face-to-face teaching or online. Learn how the library works with Blackboard to ensure legal use of copyrighted materials, and learn about educational resources not governed by copyright restrictions. Mandi Goodsett, Michael Schwartz 中国体育彩票APP下载:


Fair Use Checklist




Hyah Herbawi, Coordinator
Campus Location: AC 223
Cleveland, OH 44115