Interactive Video Distance Learning

interactive desk in a CSU classroom


We have teaching professionals and video conferencing specialists who specialize in synchronous distance learning. We design and maintain the technology found in interactive video distance learning (IVDL) classrooms, assist in the connection and bridging of videoconference classes and provide support for instructors teaching on CSU campuses. Through the 10 IVDL classrooms on CSU's campuses, we can connect to almost anywhere in the world.

Each IVDL classroom contains a straightforward instructor touch screen to control all conference and system functions. In-room resources include a Windows PC, document camera, DVD/VHS player and Smart Podium. Students participate by way of PTT (Push To Talk) microphones along with an automatic switching/zoom camera.

We provide training on the classroom equipment as well as consultation on making instructional materials more effective for the distance learning environment. We can schedule single class meetings in one of our IVDL rooms in order to easily bring a guest speaker to your class via videoconference.

To learn more about IVDL classrooms, please inquire with us at

Mailing Address
2121 Euclid Avenue
Rhodes Tower 705A
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
1860 East 22nd Street
Rhodes Tower 705
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216-687-5270