Department Phone Directory

Department Name Phone Primary Fax Building Room
AAUP (American Assn Univ Profs) 216-687-4694 216-687-9311 SR 162
Academic Affairs 216-687-3588 216-687-9290 AC 333
Academic Planning 216-687-4700 216-687-5372 AC 220
Access Control & Security Systems 216-687-5386 216-802-3383 PS 243
Accounting Dept 216-687-4720 BU 517
Accounts Payable 216-687-3812 PH 129
Accounts Receivable 216-687-3676 UN 301
Admissions & Records 216-687-2287 LB 122
Admissions Office 216-687-2100 216-687-9210 EC 101
Admissions/Student Affairs-Law 216-687-2396 LB 134
Adult Learner Services 216-875-9709 EC 103
Affirmative Action 216-687-2223 AC 236
African Amer Culture Ctr 216-687-3656 BH 137
中国体育彩票APP下载 Affairs 216-687-2078 UN 511
中国体育彩票APP下载 Assn - Law Admin 216-687-2368 LB 122
Animal Care Facilities 216-687-2071 PH 2nd Floor
Annual Giving 216-687-3557 UN 501
Annual of Armenian Linguistics 216-687-3967 RT 1828
Anthropology Dept 216-687-2414 216-687-9384 RT 1619
Arabic 216-687-4645 RT 1619
Architect,Univ-Office of 216-687-5121 216-687-9227 PS 235
Archives - 中国体育彩票APP下载: 216/687-2449 RT 309
Art Dept & Design 216-687-2040 MB 203B
Art Education 216-687-2095 MB 203
Art Gallery 216-687-2103 MB 232
Asian Studies 216/687-9282 RT 1749
Athletics Dept 216-687-4539 216-523-7257 WO 2
Audiology 216-687-3804 IM 275
Audits, Department of 216-687-4620 216-687-5220 RT 921
Auxiliary Services 216-687-3673 AC 210
Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences Program 216-687-3542 216-687-9316 IM 340
Basketball--Women 216-687-5120 216-687-5554 WO 121
Benefits 216-687-3636 AC 113
Biological,Geological & Environmental Sciences 216-687-2440 SI 219
Black Studies/Howard A. Mims African Amer Cultural Center 216-687-3655 216-687-5446 BH 137
Board of Trustees 216-687-3777 216-687-3748 WO 406
Bookstore 216-687-2128 216-687-6942 SC 105
Budget & Financial Analysis 216-687-3946 216-687-5444 AC 215
Building Directories 216-687-2500 PS 214
Building Maintenance 216-687-4827 216-687-9346 PS 402
Building Operations 216-687-2500 PS 214
Building Services 216-523-7585 216-687-9346 PS 235D
Bursars Office 216-687-5249 216-687-3500 BH 115
Business Administration - Monte Ahuja College of Business 216-687-3786 216-687-9354 BU 420
Business Career Connection 216-687-3730 BU 327
Business Undergraduate Advising Center, College of 216-687-3729 BU 219
Campus Connection Lounge 216-523-7454 BH 120
Campus Dining-Aramark 216-687-5001 216-523-7331 SC 215
Campus Safety 216-687-2020 216-687-9346 CS 103
Campus Support Services 216-687-5208 216-687-5444 SC 140
Campus Tours 216-523-7416 EC 104
Campus Watch 216-687-2097 CS 103
Campus411 All-In-1 Enrollment Services 216-687-5411 216-687-5491 BH 116G
Career Development & Exploration 216-687-2233 216-687-9313 RW 280
Carpenters 216-687-4827 PS 402
Carpet Repair/Replacement 216-687-2500 PS 246
CASAL 216-687-4613 JH 275
Cashiers Office 216-687-5249 216-687-3500 BH 115
Catering Office 216-687-3805 SC 214
Cauldron-Student Publication 216-687-2270 216-687-5155 BH 471
Central Stores 216-687-2009 216-687-5150 PS 110
Cheerleading 216-687-2332 WO 205
Chemical & Biomedical Engineering Dept 216-687-2569 FH 455
Chemistry Dept 216-687-2451 216-687-9298 SR 397
Chiller Room 216-687-3575 RT 3
Civic Engagement 216-687-5534 UR 249
Civil and Environmental Engineering 216-687-2401 216-687-5395 FH 107
Civil Law Clinic 216-687-3947 216-687-9297 LB 090
Civil Litigation Clinic 216-687-3947 216-687-9297 LB 85
Class Scheduling 216-687-5484 UN 301
Classical & Medieval Studies 216-687-3920 216-687-5592 RT 1319
Cleveland Marshall Law 216-687-2344 LB 115
Clinical Chemistry 216-687-2453 SR 357
College of Arts and Sciences 216-687-5580 216-687-5549 SR 353
College of Health Advising 216-687-3850 IM 305
College of Health Dean's Office 216-875-9830 IM 307
College of Public Affairs & Education 216-687-2135 216-687-9239 UR 335
Communication, School of 216-687-4630 216-687-5435 MU 233
Communication-Grad Studies 216-687-2116 216-687-5435 MU 227
Communication-Research Center 216-687-4630 216-687-5435 MU 228
Communication-Undergrad Studies 216-687-4630 216-687-5435 MU 233
Communications Workers of America, Local No 4309 216-687-5224 UN 245
Community Advocacy Clinic 216-687-6878 216-687-9297 LB 78
Community Learning Center for Children and Youth 216-523-7253 216-687-5186 JH 130
Community Planning & Development, Center for 216-523-7495 216-687-9291 UR 348
Community Police Response Unit 216-687-2020 CS 103
Community Service Initiative 216-687-5578 CB 204
Comparative & Medieval Studies 216-523-7166 RT 1651
Computer & Information Science 216-687-4760 BU 344
Conference Services 216-523-7203 216-687-5545 SC 146
Console Room 216-687-2356 RT 20
Controller's Office 216-687-3611 216-687-9295 AC 246
Cooperative Education 216-687-2233 RW 280
Copy Center 216-687-3707 RT 31
Counseling, Administration, Supervision & Adult Learning(CASAL) 216-687-4613 216-687-5378 JH 275
Counseling, Monte Ahuja College of Business 216-687-3729 BU 219
Criminology and Sociology 216-687-4517 216-687-9314 RT 1721/1723
Cross Country - Women 216-687-4801 PE 321
CSU Foundation 216-687-3563 216-687-9270 UN 501
CSU GLOBAL 216-875-9640 MM 203
CSU Police Union,OLC 216-687-5500 CS 103
CSU Speakers Bureau 216-687-2294 EC 180
CSU Tours (Campus) 216-523-7416 EC 104
Curriculum & Foundations 216-687-4577 216-687-5370 JH 376
Curtains & Blinds Repair/Replacement 216-687-2500 JH 376
Custodial Services 216-523-7585 PS 246
CWA (Comm Workers of America) 216-687-5224 UR 16
Dance Company 216-687-4883 PE 214
Delta Dental of Ohio 800-524-0149 AC 113
Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders 216-687-3807 IM 333
Department of Music Therapy 216-687-3648 MU 111
Design and Construction 216-687-5121 PS 235
Development, Department of 216-687-5522 UN 501
Digital Video Communication Center 216-687-5072 MU 121
Dining Services-Aramark 216-687-5001 216-523-7331 SC 215
Director,Law 中国体育彩票APP下载: 216-687-3547 LL 212A
Directors Office-中国体育彩票APP下载:,Univ 216-687-2475 RT 501
Directory,Faculty/Staff 216-687-3880 RT 1012
Disability Services 216-687-2015 216-687-2343 RW 205
DNA Analysis Facilities 216-687-9382 216-687-9382 SR 387D
Doctor of Business Admin (DBA) 216-687-6952 216-687-9354 BU 420
Doctoral Studies 216-687-4697 216-875-9697 JH 215
Duplicating Dept 216-687-3707 RT 31
Economic Development Quarterly 216-687-2542 216-687-9291 UR 125
Economic Development, Center for 216-687-3984 216-687-9277 UR 364
Economics Dept 216-687-3786 216-687-9206 BU 420
Educ Student Service Ctr 216-687-4625 216-687-9284 JH 170
Educational Technologies, Center for 216-687-4619 216-687-5585 JH 137
eLearning, Center for 216-687-3960 216-875-9733 RT 201
Electrical Department 216-687-2500 PS 246
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Dept 216-687-2589 216-687-5405 FH 332
Elevator Maintenance 216-687-2500 PS 246
Emergency Maintenance Trouble 216-687-2500 PS 246
Emergency Preparedness, Center for 216-687-5497 UR 249
Employee Assistance Prog 216-687-2277 UN 221
Employment 216-687-3636 AC 113
Engineering Technology Dept 216-687-2559 216-687-9280 FH 315
Engineering-Washkewicz College of 216-687-2555 216-687-9280 WH 305
English as a 2nd Language 216-875-9669 MM 209
English Dept 216-687-3951 216-687-6943 RT 1815
Enrollment Management & Student Success 216-687-5353 EC 103
Enrollment Processing Center 216-875-9677 UN 301
Environmental Health & Safety 216-687-9306 216-687-9346 PS 210
Environmental Operations 216-687-2500 PS 235D
Equipment Circulation 216-687-3846 BH 310
Escort Service 216-687-2020 CS 103
Excellence and Innovation In Education, Center for 216-523-7107 216-687-5422 RW 243
Executive Development Center 216-687-4750 216-687-9331 BU 327
Executive M.B.A. 216-687-3850 216-687-6888 BU 308
Exploratory Advising 216-687-9376 216-687-5420 BH 110
F.A.S.T.Coordination Center 216-687-2500 216-687-9346 PS 246
Facilities Administration 216-687-2500 PS 235
Facilities and Safety 216-523-7569 PS 232
Facilities Management 216-523-7585 216-687-9346 PS 235
Faculty Excellence, Center for 216-687-5502 BH 212
Faculty Lecture Program 216-875-9675 EC 102
Faculty Senate 216-687-9250 216-687-9215 BH 320
Fax Information 216-687-3880 216-687-9366 RT 1012
Fencing 216-687-5119 PE 321
Field Services Office 216-687-4616 216-687-4636 JH 187
Finance Dept 216-687-4716 216-875-9725 BU 321
Financial Aid Office 216-687-3764 216-687-9247 UN 501
Financial Management Assn 216-687-3939 BU 11
First Year Advising Office 216-687-9376 216-687-5420 BH 110
Focus Center 216-687-5114 BH 110A
Food Service 216-687-5001 SC 215
Foreign Study 216-687-3910 BH 412
Fraternity Information 216-687-2048 SC 319
French 216-687-4645 RT 1619
Freshman Center 216-687-2402 BH 110
Freshman Year Experience 216-687-9376 BH 110
General Accounting 216-687-2026 216-687-9295 AC 246A
General Counsel, Office of 216-687-3543 216-687-3736 AC 327
General Studies 216-687-3961 RT 1812
German 216-687-4645 RT 1619
Global Business Center 216-687-4750 BU 327
Golf 216-687-2390 PE 315
Government Relations Office 216-875-9970 216-687-9239 UR 322
Graduate Admissions, Office of 216-687-5599 BH 116
Graduate Business Program-Monte Ahuja College of Business 216-687-3786 BU 219G
Graduate Education 216-687-4627 JH 170
Graduate Studies College of 216-687-9370 216-687-9383 PH 227
Grant Accounting 216-687-3677 216-687-9295 AC 246A
Greek 216-687-4645 RT 1619
Grounds Dept 216-687-6904 216-687-9346 PS 2ND
Health & Wellness Services Dept 216-687-3649 216-687-9319 IM 205
Health and Human Performance 216-687-4870 216-687-5410 JH 164
Health Care Admin Program 216-687-3992 216-687-4708 BU 433
Health Insurance/Student 1-800-550-4870
Health Sciences Dept, School of 216-687-3567 216-687-9316 HS 101
Heating, Cooling & Ventilation 216-687-2500 216-687-9346 PS 246
History Dept 216-687-3920 216-687-5592 RT 1319
Honors College, Jack, Joseph & Morton Mandel 216-687-5559 216-687-5552 BH 106
Hospitalization, Faculty/Staff 216-687-3636 AC 113
Human Resources – Lobby 216-687-3737 AC Lobby
Human Resources, Department of 216-687-3636 216-687-9334 AC 113
Identification Center 216-875-9888 BH 112
IMPACT (Employee Assistance Program) 800-227-6007 AC 113
Industrial Relations Center 216-687-4750 BU 327
Information Center 216-687-3800 SC 140
Information Services & Technology 216-687-2181 216-687-9200 RT 1104
Information Systems 216-687-4760 216-687-5448 BU 344
Institutional Equity, Office for 216-687-2223 216-687-9274 AC 236
Institutional Research, Assessment & Analysis 216-687-4700 216-687-5372 AC 220
Instructional Technology & Distance Learning, Center for 216-687-3855 216-687-9380 RT 705
Insurance-Faculty/Staff 216-687-3636 AC 113
Internal Audit Dept 216-687-4620 RT 921
International Admissions 216-687-4579 PH 227
International Business Academic Programs 216-687-4771 BH 460
International Business Center 216-687-4750 216-687-9331 BU 327
International Services & Programs, Center for 216-687-3910 216-687-3965 BH 412
Italian 216-687-4645 RT 1619
Job Location & Development 216-687-2233 RW 280
Judicial Affairs, Office of 216-523-7346 216-687-5441 SC 338A
Judicial Board 216-687-2276 SC 319
Key Shop 216-875-9865 PS 244
Labor Management & Relations 216-687-4750 BU 327
Latin 216-687-4645 RT 1619
Law Administration 216-687-2344 216-687-6881 LB 115
Law Clinic 216-687-3947 LB 090
Law 中国体育彩票APP下载: 216-687-2250 216-687-5098 LL 109
Law Office of Career Planning 216-687-2260 LB 143
Law Review 216-687-2336 LB 14
Law School Election Center 216-687-2344 LL 53
Law-Cleve Marshall College of 216-687-2344 216-687-6881 LB 115
Leadership Dev & Training Prog 216-687-5497 UR 244
Leadership Development, Center for 216-687-5497 216-687-2225 UR 244
Learning Resource Center 216-687-3767 JH 114
Levin Professor of Urban Studies & Public Service 216-687-2136 216-687-9342 UR 238A
LGBTQ+ Center 216-687-2324 BH 211
Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Advising Center, College of 216-687-9321 216-687-5164 BH 221
Liberal Studies 216-687-3920 216-687-5592 RT 1329
中国体育彩票APP下载:, Michael Schwartz 216-687-2478 216-687-5463 RT 1st Floor
Life Insurance 866-293-6047 AC 113
Linguistics Program 216-687-2414 216-687-9384 RT 1723
Living and Learning Communities 216-687-5595 216-687-5556 AC 104
Lost & Found 216-687-3800 SC 140
M.A. Spanish 216-687-4648 RT 1610
M.B.A. 216-687-3730 BU 219
Mail Room 216-687-3586 PS 110
Mailing/Receiving Dept 216-687-3586 216-687-5150 PS 110
Maintenance Emergency Trouble 216-687-2500 PS 246
Maintenance Technicians 216-687-2387 216-687-9346 PS 412
Major & Planned Gifts 216-687-5522 UN 501
Management, Department of 216-687-4754 216-687-4708 BU 433
Mareyjoyce Green Womens Center 216-687-4674 216-687-5109 BH 142C
Marketing Association 216-523-7301 BU 10
Marketing, Department of 216-687-4771 216-687-5135 BU 460
Marketing, University 216-687-2290 216-687-9289 EC 182
Mass Spectrometry Facilities 216-687-3922 216-687-9298 SR 391
Master of Science In Health Sciences Program 216-687-2530 216-687-9316 IM 340
Math Learning/Tutoring Center 216-687-4543 BH 434
Mathematics Dept 216-687-4680 216-523-7340 RT 1515
Mathematics Education Laboratory 216-875-9767 JH 340
Mcnair Scholars Program 216-802-3360 216-802-3368 SR 155
Mechanical and Electrical Operations PS 211
Mechanical Engineering Dept 216-687-2567 216-687-5375 FH 232
Mechanical Operations 216-687-2500 PS 235E
Mechanical Room-PE 216-687-4841 PE B-42
Mechanical Room-SI 216-687-2422 SI 401
Media Lab 216-687-3859 SI 246
Media Relations 216-687-2290 EC 182
Medical Mutual of Ohio 800-774-5284 AC 113
Medieval & Classical Studies 216-523-7166 RT 1319
Michael Schwartz 中国体育彩票APP下载: 216-687-2475 RT 1st Floor
Middle Eastern Studies 216-687-5138 RT 1606
Midway Cafe At BH 216-687-5273 BH 111E
Mobile Campus 216-687-2180 BH 118A
Modern Languages 216-687-4645 RT 1619
Moot Court-Law Administration 216-687-2338 LB 14
Motor Pool 216-687-9303 PS 104
Moving Services 216-687-2500 PS 246
Music Dept 216-687-2033 216-687-9279 MU 332
News Bureau 216-687-2290 216-687-9229 EC 182
Northeast Ohio MFA in Creative Writing 216-687-3971 RT 1830
Northern Ohio Data & Information Service N.O.D.I.S. 216-687-2209 216-687-5068 UR 32
Nurse 216-687-3649 IM 205
Nursing 216-687-3598 216-687-3556 JH 238
Nursing Resources Laboratory 216-687-2292 216-875-9875 IM 205
Occupational Therapy Program 216-687-3567 216-687-9316 HS 101
Office of Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement 216-687-9394 RT 1256
Ombudsperson 216-687-3993 MU 245
On Campus (Newspaper) 216-687-2201 EC 103
Operations & Supply Chain Management 216-687-4740 216-687-9343 BU 539
Operations Accounting 216-687-5436 PS 230
Operators, Univ Telephone 216-687-3880 RT 1012
Orientation Department 216-687-9379 216-687-9210 EC 103
Parking and Transportation Services 216-687-2023 216-687-5505 BH 115
Pathways to Practice/NEOMED 216-802-3193 IM 307
Payment Plan 216-687-5411 BH 116
Payroll 216-687-3611 216-687-9295 AC 246A
PERS 800-222-7377 AC 113
Personnel 216-687-3636 AC 113
Perspective 216-687-2290 EC 182
Pest Control 216-687-2500 PS 246
Philosophy and Comparative Religion, Department of 216-687-3900 216-523-7482 RT 1344
Physical Education 216-687-4870 PE 227
Physical Therapy 216-687-3566 216-687-9316 HS 101
Physician 216-687-3649 SR 153
Physics Dept 216-687-2425 216-523-7268 SI 112
Placement Center 216-687-2233 RW 280
Planning, Assessment and Information Resource Management 216-687-5324 AC 220
Plant Administration 216-523-7573 PS 235
Plumbers 216-687-2511 PS 409
Poetry Center 216-687-3986 216-687-6943 RT 415
Police, University 216-687-2020 216-687-5144 CS 103
Political Science Dept 216-687-4541 216-687-5532 RT 1744
Post Secondary Enrollment Options 216-687-2279 216-687-5420 BH 110V
President 216-687-3544 AC 302
President, Office of 216-687-3544 216-687-9333 AC 302
Presidents Advisory Committee on the Role and Status of Women 216-687-3544 AC 302
Prison Media Literacy Project 216-523-7472 RT 1451
Project 60 216-687-5411 BH 116
Property Control 216-687-2205 216-802-3394 PS 201
Provost & Senior Vice Pres 216-687-3588 216-687-9290 AC 333
Psychology Dept 216-687-2544 216-687-9294 UN 715
Psychology-Grad 216-687-2549 UN 715
Public Management 216-875-9959 216-687-9291 UR 120
Public Safety 216-687-2020 CS 103
Purchasing Services Dept 216-687-3600 216-687-9361 PH 118
Quantitative Business Analysis 216-687-4740 BU 539
R.O.T.C./Aerospace Studies 330-672-2182 330-672-2189
R.O.T.C./Military Science 216-397-4286 216-397-4334 BH 211
Radio Station-Wcsb 216-687-3523 CE 417
Raft,A Journal of Armenian Poetry & Criticism 216-687-3967 RT 1828
Re-Entry Women 216-687-4674 BH 102
Receiving Dept 216-687-3586 PS 109
Recreation Center 216-802-3200 216-802-3203 RC 1st Floor
Recycling Program 216-687-6973 PS 232
Registrar, Office of the University 216-687-3700 216-687-5501 UN 301
Registration 216-687-3700 UN 301
Religious Studies Dept 216-687-2170 RT 1547
Repair Service Calls 216-687-2500 PS 246
Research Services, Office of 216-687-3630 PH 313
Research, Division of 216-687-9364 216-687-9214 PH 205
Residence Life 216-687-5196 216-687-5156 EC 198
Retirement System 216-687-3636 AC 113
S.T.A.G.E (Student Theatrical Guild of Excellence) 216-875-9661 MB 515
School of Film and Media Arts 216-687-5080 FM 615
Sciences and Health Professions Advising, College of 216-687-9321 216-687-6945 BH 218B
Security 216-687-2020 CS 103
Security Systems 216-687-5386 PS 243
SEIU District 1199 216-875-9802 UR 12
Senior Vice Pres & Provost 216-687-3588 AC 333
Service Request Information 216-687-2500 PS 235
Shipping Dept 216-687-2008 PS 109
Soccer 216-687-4810 PE 324, 313
Social Work, School of 216-687-4560 216-687-5590 RT 1417
Softball 216-687-5110 PE 333
Solid Waste 216-687-2500 PS 246
Sorority Information 216-687-2048 SC 319
Space Management 216-687-5142 PS 232
Spanish 216-687-4645 RT 1619
Speakers Bureau 216-687-2294 EC 180
Special Events, Department of 216-687-5045 RT 1235
Speech & Hearing Clinic 216-687-3804 IM 275
Speech & Hearing Program 216-687-3807 216-687-6993 IM 333
Sponsored Programs & Research Services 216-687-3630 216-687-9382 PH 305
Sports Information 216-687-4818 WO 212
Sports Medicine 216-687-4806 PE SB6
STEMM Education Center 216-875-9704 JH 324
Strategic Business Center 216-687-4771 BU 460
STRS 888-227-7877 AC 113
Student Affairs,Division of 216-687-2048 216-687-5441 SC 319
Student Bar Association 216-687-2537 216-687-9285 LB 062D
Student Development 216-687-2012 BH 233
Student Employment 216-687-5577 RW 282
Student Government Assn 216-687-2048 SC 217
Student Government Print Shop 216-687-5304 SC 129
Student Health Insurance 877-434-2909 IM 205
Student Life 216-687-2048 SC 319
Student Personnel Office 216-687-4625 JH 170
Student Support Services 216-687-5244 BH 110B
Sustainability 216-523-7462 PS 219
Swimming 216-687-4809 PE B77
Teacher Education 216-687-4600 216-687-5379 JH 302
Technlogy Transfer, Office of 216-687-5108 216-687-9382 PH 214
Technology 216-687-2559 FH 315
Technology Transfer Office 216-687-5108 PH 214
Telecommunications 216-687-3881 RT 1011
Telephone Information 216-687-3880 RT 1012
Telephone Installation 216-687-3881 RT 1010
Telephone Repair 216-687-3880 RT 1012
Tennis 216-687-4811 PE 327
Testing Services 216-687-2272 RW 215
The Cleveland Stater Lab Newspaper 216-687-5094 216-687-5588 MU 248
The Pratt Center Fostering Success and Leadership 216-687-9335 RT 1201
Theatre and Dance 216-687-2113 216-687-2114 MB 263
Ticket Booth-Athletics (Soccer-Viking Field 19Th & Chester Avenue) 216-687-4886 19th Chester Soccer Field
Tours -Campus 216-523-7416 EC 104
Track -Women 216-687-4807 PE 226
Transcript Requests 216-687-3700 UN 301
Transfer Student Services 216-687-5568 216-687-5420 EC 103
Trustees of University 216-687-3777 216-687-3748 WO 406
Tutoring/Academic Success Center 216-687-2012 BH 233
Undergraduate Affairs & Student Relations 216-687-6912 FH 104C
Unicare (Dental Claims) 216-687-3636 AC 113
University Advancement 216-687-5522 UN 501
University Advancement, Office of the Vice President 216-687-5522 216-687-9270 UN 501
University Architect 216-687-5121 PS 235
University Community Assistance Prog 216-687-2277 UN 221
University Compliance, Office of 216-687-2125 AC 316
University Development 216-687-5522 UN 501
University Engagement 216-687-9234 PH 235
University Faculty Senate 216-687-9250 BH 320
University Police 216-687-2020 CS 103
Urban Affairs Student Services 216-687-3884 216-687-5398 UR 205
Urban Education Phd 216-687-4697 JH 212
Urban Research and Public Service Center 216-687-2135 216-687-9277 UR 364
Urban Studies, Dept of 216-687-2136 216-687-2013 UR 305
Utilities 216-687-5295 216-687-9346 PS 235B
Veteran Student Support Center 216-875-9996 216-875-9984 TC 01
Vice President for Business Affairs & Finance 216-687-3673 216-687-5444 AC 209
Vice President for Enrollment 216-687-5353 UN 402
Vice President for Research 216-687-9364 PH 204
Vice President University Advancement 216-523-7295 UN 501
Vice President University Engagement 216-523-7292 AC 342
Vice President,Senior and Provost 216-687-3588 AC 333
Viking Pub House 216-802-3131 AC 103
Vikingcard Office 216-875-9888 216-687-5377 BH 112
Vision Service Plan 800-877-7195 AC 113
Volleyball--Women 216-687-4539 PE 332
VP for Business Affairs & Finance 216-687-3673 216-687-5444 AC 203
VP for Enrollment Services 216-687-2054 216-875-9943 UN 402
W.C.S.B. Radio Station 216-687-3523 CE 417
Washkewicz College of Engineering 216-687-2555 FH 104
West Center Extended Campus 216-875-9600 216-875-9650 WST 312
Wolstein Center at Cleveland State University 216-687-9292 216-687-5450 WO 304
Womens Center, Mareyjoyce Green 216-687-4674 BH 142
Work Study 216-687-5577 RW 283
Workers Compensation 216-687-3636 AC 113
World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 216-687-4645 216-687-4650 RT 1619
Wrestling 216-687-3773 PE SB 30
Writing Across the Curriculum 216-687-6982 216-687-6943 RT 124
Writing Center 216-687-6982 216-687-6943 RT 124