Social Sciences (GenEd08)

2 courses (from 2 different departments)
Minimum 6 credits

  1. Each course must be a minimum of 3 hours.
  2. At least one of these courses, or one of the approved Arts and Humanities courses, must be focused on Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East.
Category Subject Course Skill Areas Effective
SS Art and Design ART 250 Visual Literacy Critical Thinking, Information Literacy FA12
SS Anthropology ANT 101 Human Biocultural Evolution Critical Thinking, Writing  
SS Anthropology ANT 102 The Study of Culture Critical Thinking, Writing  
SS Anthropology ANT 120 Introduction to Language and Linguistics Critical Thinking, Information Literacy  
SS Anthropology ANT 221 Introduction to Language and Linguistics II Critical Thinking, Information Literacy FA14
SS Anthropology ANT 250 Culture Change, Diet, and Disease Critical Thinking, Writing SP18
SS Communication COM 101 Principles of Communication Critical Thinking, Information Literacy  
SS Communication COM 211 Communicating in Personal Relationships Critical Thinking, Writing  
SS Communication COM 226 Mass Media and Society Critical Thinking, Information Literacy  
SS Communication COM 227 Principles of Social Media Critical Thinking, Information Literacy FA15
SS Criminology CRM 250 Introduction to Criminology and Criminal Justice Critical Thinking, Information Literacy  
SS Economics ECN 201 Principles of Macroeconomics Critical Thinking, Quantitative Literacy  
SS Economics ECN 202 Principles of Microeconomics Critical Thinking, Quantitative Literacy  
SS Economics ECN 230H H: Game Theory and the Social Sciences Critical Thinking, Quantitative Literacy  
SS Engineering Science ESC 282 Engineering Economy Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Quantitative Literacy  
SS Health Education HED 210 Healthy Lifestyle Choices Critical Thinking, Information Literacy SP19
SS Health Science HSC 180 Introduction to Gerontology Information Literacy, Quantitative Literacy  
SS Linguistics LIN 120 Introduction to Language and Linguistics I Critical Thinking, Information Literacy  
SS Linguistics LIN 221 Introduction to Language and Linguistics II Critical Thinking, Information Literacy SP15
SS Music Therapy MTX 290 Introduction to Music Therapy Writing, Oral Communication FA23
SS Occupational Therapy OTH 130 Occupation and the College Student I (if taken with OTH 230) Critical Thinking, Group Work SU22
SS Occupational Therapy OTH 230 Occupation and the College Student II (if taken with OTH 130) Critical Thinking, Group Work SU22
SS Political Science PSC 111 American Government Critical Thinking, Writing  
SS Political Science PSC 221 Comparative Politics Critical Thinking, Writing  
SS Political Science PSC 231 International Politics Critical Thinking, Writing  
SS Psychology PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology Critical Thinking, Quantitative Literacy  
SS Psychology PSY 101H H: Introduction to Psychology - Honors Critical Thinking, Quantitative Literacy FA09
SS Psychology PSY 220 Child Development Critical Thinking, Information Literacy  
SS Psychology PSY 221 Adolescent Psychology Critical Thinking, Information Literacy  
SS Social Work SWK 200 Introduction to Social Work Critical Thinking, Group Work FA09
SS Social Work SWK 201 Contemporary Social Welfare Critical Thinking, Group Work FA09
SS Sociology SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology Critical Thinking, Quantitative Literacy  
SS Sociology SOC 203 Sociology of Poverty Critical Thinking, Writing  
SS Sociology SOC 260 Deviance in the United States Critical Thinking, Group Work  
SS Sociology SOC 280H - H: Science, Technology and Society - Honors Group Work, Writing  
SS Urban Studies UST 200 Introduction to Urban Studies Critical Thinking, Writing  
SS Urban Studies UST 205 Public Service Careers Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Civic Engagement FA24
SS Urban Studies UST 204 Cleveland and the World Critical Thinking, Writing FA20
SS Urban Studies UST 207 Ohio Government Critical Thinking, Information Literacy FA24
SS Urban Studies UST 290 Urban Geography Critical Thinking, Information Literacy  

Social Sciences focused on Africa, Asia, Latin America, or the Middle East (AALAME)

Category Subject Course Skill Areas Effective
SS AALAME Anthropology ANT 153 Introduction to African Cultures: Africa Critical Thinking, Information Literacy FA16
SS AALAME Anthropology ANT 275 Ancient Mysteries: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East Critical Thinking, Information Literacy  
SS AALAME Communication COM 201 Communication and Human Relationships in East Asian Societies: Asia Critical Thinking, Information Literacy FA12
SS AALAME Communication COM 233 Bollywood & Beyond: South Asian Cinema and Social Change Critical Thinking, Writing FA18
SS AALAME History HIS 103 Ancient World History to 1300 C.E. Critical Thinking, Information Literacy FA19
SS AALAME History HIS 104 Modern World History: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East Critical Thinking, Information Literacy FA14
SS AALAME Sociology SOC 210 Developing Societies in a Changing World: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East Information Literacy, Quantitative Literacy  
SS AALAME Sociology SOC 222 World Population and Society: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East Critical Thinking, Information Literacy FA17
SS AALAME Urban Studies UST 206 Megacities of Asia: Asia Critical Thinking, Information Literacy FA10
SS AALAME Urban Studies UST 222 World Population and Society: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East Critical Thinking, Information Literacy FA17

Previously Approved Social Sciences

Category Subject Course Effective
SS Anthropology ANT 227 Power, Authority and Society in Nonwestern Communities FA08-SU14
SS Anthropology ANT 260 Language, Culture and Society Until SU19
SS Communication COM 231 History of Television and Interactive Media FA08-FA18
SS Linguistics LIN 260 Language, Culture and Society Until SU19
SS Social Work SWK 255 Community Leadership Development FA11-SU14
SS Sociology SOC 211 American Culture and Society FA08-SU12
SS Speech and Hearing SPH 229 Speech and Language Development Until SP20
SS Psychology PSY 180 Introduction to Gerontology Until SU19
SS Urban UST 240 Democracy and the City FA08-FA14
SS Urban UST 242 Introduction to Urban Real Estate and Public Finance SP09-FA14

Previously Approved Social Sciences
Focused on Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East

Category Subject Course Effective
SS AALAME Anthropology ANT 153 Introduction to African Culture: Africa FA08-FA14
SS AALAME History HIS 227 Power, Authority, and Society in Nonwestern Communities: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East (Cross-listed with PSC 227) FA08-SU14
SS AALAME Political Science PSC 227 Power, Authority, and Society in Nonwestern Communities: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East (Cross-listed with HIS 227) FA08-SU14

Campus Location
Office of Instructional Excellence
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 223
Cleveland, Ohio 44115