General Education 98 Writing Across the Curriculum

Requirement: Three (3) courses

Students must demonstrate satisfactory performance (C or better) in the writing required in order to receive a C in the course and satisfactorily complete that portion of the WAC requirement.

For transfer students: Juniors (60-89 credit hours) must complete two courses; seniors (at least 90 credit hours) must complete one course.


ANT 260- Language, Culture and Society¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ANT 322- Writing About Culture¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ANT 330- Proposal Writing in Archaeology¡ªEffective Fall 2009 through Summer 2014

ANT 353- Cultures Of Africa¡ªEffective Fall 2003 through Summer 2014

ANT 385- The Anthropology of Tourism¡ªEffective Summer 2005 through Spring 2009


ARB 194- Special Topics in Arabic - Writing¡ªEffective Spring 2007 through Spring 2009

ARB 294- Special Topics in Arabic - Writing¡ªEffective Spring 2007 through Spring 2009

ARB 371- Introduction to Classical Arabic Literature¡ªEffective Spring 2007 through Spring 2009

ARB 394- Special Topics in Arabic - Writing¡ªEffective Spring 2007 through Spring 2009

ARB 494- Special Topics in Arabic - Writing¡ªEffective Spring 2007 through Spring 2009


ART 253- Introduction To Western Art Since 1400¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2001

ART 253H- H: Introduction to Western Art Since 1400 - Honors¡ªEffective Fall 2005 through Fall 2009

ART 256- History Of Photography¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ART 353- Islamic Art¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

ART 354- Medieval Art¡ªEffective Fall 2009 through Summer 2014

ART 356- Gothic Art¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ART 363- The Early Renaissance In Italy¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ART 364- The High Renaissance And Mannerism In Italy¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ART 365- The Renaissance In Northern Europe¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ART 370- American Visual Culture¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Fall 2003

ART 370- American Visual Culture¡ªEffective Spring 2005 through Summer 2014

ART 371- Art in the 19th Century¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ART 371- Art in the 19th Century¡ªEffective Fall 2006 through Summer 2014

ART 372- Art in the 20th Century¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ART 372- Art in the 20th Century¡ªEffective Summer 2005 through Summer 2014

ART 373- On the Edge: Art Since 1968¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ART 374- American Architecture¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ART 375- Cities And Planning¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ART 375- Cities And Planning¡ªEffective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

ART 375- Cities And Planning¡ªEffective Summer 2005 through Spring 2009

ART 376- Architectural Hist: Great Monuments Of West Arch In The Urban Context¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

ART 383- Indian Art¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

ART 384- Buddhist Sculpture¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ART 384- Buddhist Sculpture¡ªEffective Spring 2006 through Spring 2009

ART 385- The Hindu Temple¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ART 386- Regional Art In Africa¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

ART 394- History of Japanese Art¡ªEffective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

ART 475- Cleveland: Form And Development Of An Urban Environment¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

ART 495- Art Seminar¡ªEffective Spring 2005 through Summer 2014


BIO 390- Writing in Biology I¡ªEffective Fall 2006 through Fall 2008

BIO 390- Writing in Biology I¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

BIO 391- Writing in Biology II¡ªEffective Fall 2006 through Summer 2014

BIO 410- Theory and Practice of Light Microscopy¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

BIO 419- Theory and Practice of Light Microscopy¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Fall 2003

BIO 422- Mammalian Physiology¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

BIO 423- Vertebrate Physiology¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Fall 2003

BIO 424- Principles Of Animal Physiology¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

BIO 428- Endocrinology¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Fall 2006

BIO 434- Elements of Pharmacology¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

BIO 435- Techniques in Molecular Biology¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Fall 2006

BIO 436- Evolutionary Genetics¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

BIO 450- Evolutionary Biology¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Fall 2003

BIO 458- Behavior¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Fall 2006

BIO 459- Behavior¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Fall 2003

BIO 465- Developmental Biology¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Fall 1999

BIO 465- Developmental Biology Laboratory¡ªEffective Spring 2002 through Spring 2004

BIO 466- Developmental Biology Laboratory¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Fall 2003

BIO 478- Morphology of Angiosperms¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

BIO 480- Developmental Plant Biology¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

BIO 491- Honors Thesis and Defense¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

BIO 491- Honors Thesis and Defense¡ªEffective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

BIO 492- Honors Seminar (1)¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2012

BIO 492- Honors Thesis and Defense (3)¡ªEffective Fall 2012

BIO 495- Seminar¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

BIO 496- Independent Study In Biology¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

BIO 497- Independent Research in Biology¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

Business Law

BLW 411- Business Law and Ethics¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

BLW 412- Advanced Business Law¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

Chemical Engineering

CHE 308- Junior Chemical Engineering Laboratory¡ªEffective Spring 2005 through Summer 2014

CHE 404- Chemical Reactor Design¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

CHE 404- Chemical Reactor Design¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

CHE 420- Senior Chemical Engineering Laboratory¡ªEffective Spring 2005 through Summer 2014

CHE 430- Chemical Process Control¡ªEffective Spring 2005 through Summer 2014

CHE 440- Process Design I¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

CHE 440- Process Design I¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

CHE 441- Process Design II¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004


CHM 401- Chemical Information¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

CHM 416- Instrumental Analysis Laboratory¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

CHM 426- Physical Chemistry Laboratory I¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

Civil and Environmental Engineering

CVE 332- Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

CVE 332- Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory¡ªEffective Spring 2007 through Summer 2008

CVE 332- Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

CVE 426- Senior Design¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

College of Science

SCI 220- Science as a Way of Thinking¡ªEffective Summer 2005 through Spring 2009


COM 225- Media Writing¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

COM 240- Professional Communication¡ªEffective Fall 2009 through Summer 2014

COM 301- Broadcast and New Media Writing¡ªEffective Spring 2005 through Summer 2014

COM 320- History Of The Moving Image¡ªEffective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

COM 325- Screenwriting¡ªEffective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

COM 326- Advanced Reporting¡ªEffective Spring 2005 through Summer 2014

COM 327- Media Criticism¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

COM 328- Specialized Writing¡ªEffective Spring 2005 through Summer 2014

COM 405- Electronic Journalism¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

COM 447- Public Relations Writing¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

COM 485- Science Writing for the Media¡ªEffective Fall 2006 through Summer 2014

Dance Program

DAN 211- Dance History¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2003

DAN 212H- Dance: Power, Art and Movement¡ªEffective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014


ECN 333- Economics Of Health Care¡ªEffective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

ECN 360- Public Sector Economics¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2006

ECN 360- Public Sector Economics¡ªEffective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

ECN 450- Economics of Law¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ECN 485- Economics of Development and Growth¡ªEffective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

ECN 497- Honors Essay¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

Early Childhood Education

ECE 300- Introduction To Early Childhood Education¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

Education Curriculum and Foundations

EDB 301- Social Foundations of Education¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

EDB 302- Psychological Foundations of Education¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

Literacy Development and Instruction

EDL 300- Phonics Assessment and Instruction¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2000

EDL 301- Beginning and Intermediate Reading Instruction And Assessment¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

EDL 312- Literature-Based Reading Methods For Children¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

Middle Childhood Education

EDM 313- Teaching and Assessing Language Arts In The Middle School¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

Secondary Education

EDS 313- Secondary Language Arts Instruction And Assessment¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

Special Education

ESE 400- Introduction to Special Education¡ªEffective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

ESE 404- Teaching Students of Varying Abilities¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Fall 2009

Electrical and Computer Engineering

EEC 414- Writing in Electrical and Computer Engineering¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

Electronic Engineering Technology

EET 316- Microprocessor and Digital System Design Laboratory¡ªEffective Spring 2005 through Spring 2009

EET 411- Power Electronic Systems Laboratory¡ªEffective Spring 2005 through Fall 2011

EET 416- Electronic Circuits, Signals, and Systems Laboratory¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

EET 441- Feedback Control Systems Laboratory¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

EET 460- Senior Design A¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Fall 2011

General Engineering Technology

GET 431- Electrical Power, Controls, and Instrumentation Lab¡ªEffective Spring 2005 through Summer 2014

Mechanical Engineering Technology

MET 351- Thermal Fluid Lab¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2008 and Spring 2009 through Fall 2011

MET 411- Mechanical Measurement Laboratory¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Fall 2011

MET 431- Fluid Mechanics Laboratory¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2008

MET 431- Fluid Mechanics Laboratory¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

English Translations of Foreign Literatures

ENF 211- Nonwestern Literature In English Translation Writing¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

ENF 213- Western Literature In English Translation Writing¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

ENF 215- Women Writers In English Translation Writing¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

ENF 217- Foreign Film Writing)¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

ENF 313- Western Literature in English Translation¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009


ENG 201- Intermediate Expository Writing¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 207H- Honors: African American Literature; The City¡ªEffective Spring 2006 through Spring 2009

ENG 240- Introduction to Poetry¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 240H- Introduction to Poetry - Honors¡ªEffective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

ENG 241- Introduction to Fiction and Drama¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 241H- Writing About Literature: Fiction and Drama - Honors¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

ENG 260- Language, Society, And Culture¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ENG 271- Shakespeare and Film¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 300- Writing About Literature¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ENG 301- Advanced Expository Writing¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 302- Rhetoric of the Law¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ENG 307- Style¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 308- Composition Theory for Teachers¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 309- Writing Center Practicum¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ENG 320- Classical Literature in Translation¡ªEffective Spring 2005 through Summer 2014

ENG 331- Studies in Medieval Literature¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 332- Studies in Renaissance Literature¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ENG 332- Studies in Renaissance Literature¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

ENG 333- Studies in Restoration and 18-th Century British Literature¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 334- Studies In 19th-Century British Literature¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 335- Studies in 20Th Century British Literature¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Fall 2009

ENG 336- Studies in Non-Western Literature¡ªEffective Fall 2009 through Summer 2014

ENG 345- Studies in American Literature¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 346- Studies in American Fiction¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 347- Studies in African-American Literature¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 348- Studies in Multicultural Literature¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 349- Multicultural Lit: Theory and Methods¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ENG 350- Studies in Fiction¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 351- Studies in Drama¡ªEffective Spring 2000 through Summer 2014

ENG 352- Studies in Poetry¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 1999

ENG 355- Major Genre/Stud in Genre¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

ENG 360- Studies in Literary Criticism¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 361- Classical Rhetoric¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

ENG 363- Gender Issues in Literature¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENG 364- Popular Culture¡ªEffective Fall 2009 through Summer 2014

ENG 370- Chaucer¡ªEffective Summer 2004 through Summer 2014

ENG 371- Shakespeare I¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

ENG 372- Shakespeare II¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

ENG 374- Milton¡ªEffective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

ENG 375- Major Author¡ªEffective Summer 2004 through Summer 2014

ENG 382- Canonicity¡ªEffective Summer 2004 through Summer 2014

ENG 495- Senior Seminar¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

Environmental Studies

ENV 435- Environmental Policy and Administration¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

ENV 436- Urban Sustainability¡ªEffective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

ENV 436HC- Urban Sustainability¡ªEffective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

Environmental Science

EVS 390- Writing in Environmental Science I¡ªEffective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

EVS 492- Honors Thesis and Defense (3)¡ªEffective Fall 2012 through Summer 2014

First College

FST 109- Hum-Foundations Of Modern Society I¡ªEffective Spring 2001 through Spring 2004

FST 116- Freshman Seminar¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Fall 2004

FST 121- Eng-Great Books Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 122- Eng-Creative Writing Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 123- Eng-Literature Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 140- Psc-Political Science Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 151- His-American History Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 152- His-American History Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 158- His-History Workshop¡ª Effective Spring 2001 through Spring 2004

FST 221- Eng-English Lit Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 222- Eng-Creative Writing Workshop¡ª Effective Spring 2001 through Spring 2004

FST 223- Eng-World Literature¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 240- Psc-Political Science Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 242- Psc-Political Science Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 243- Mla-Modern Language Workshop¡ª Effective Spring 2004 through Spring 2004

FST 247- Swk-Race,Poverty and Welfare¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 251- His-American History Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 257- Swk-Social Work Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 258- His-History Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 259- PHL-Philosophy Lecture¡ª Effective Spring 2002 through Spring 2004

FST 261- Phl-Philosophy Workshop¡ª Effective Summer 2000 through Spring 2004

FST 262- Phl-Philosophy Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 266- Rel-Religious Studies Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 267- Ssc-Geography Workshop Or Lecture¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 270- Ssc-Social Science Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 271- Ssc-Social Science Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 272- Ssc-Social Science Workshop¡ª Effective Spring 2000 through Spring 2004

FST 274- Hum-Humanities Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 321- Eng-English Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 322- Eng-Creative Writing¡ª Effective Spring 2001 through Spring 2004

FST 323- Eng-World Literature Workshop¡ª Effective Spring 2001 through Spring 2004

FST 340- Psc-Political Science Workshop¡ª Effective Spring 2001 through Spring 2004

FST 342- Psc-Political Science Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 343- Mla-Modern Language Workshop¡ª Effective Spring 2004 through Spring 2004

FST 351- His-American History Workshop¡ª Effective Spring 2001 through Spring 2004

FST 352- His-American History Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 357- Swk-Social Work Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 358- His-History Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 359- PHL-Philosophy Lecture¡ª Effective Spring 2002 through Spring 2004

FST 361- Phl-Philosophy Workshop¡ª Effective Summer 2000 through Spring 2004

FST 362- Phl-Philosophy Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 366- Rel-Religious Studies Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 367- Ssc-Geography Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 370- Ssc-Social Science Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 371- Ssc-Social Science Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

FST 372- Ssc-Social Science Workshop¡ª Effective Spring 2000 through Spring 2004

FST 374- Hum-Humanities Workshop¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004


FRN 240- Field Study¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Spring 2009

FRN 340- Field Study¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Spring 2009

FRN 345- French Civilization from 1870 to the Present¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

FRN 365- Readings In French Literature¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Fall 2009

FRN 371- Literature Survey I¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

FRN 372- Literature Survey II¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

FRN 374- Readings in French Literature¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

FRN 402- Advanced Composition And Grammar¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

FRN 440- Field Study¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Spring 2009

General Administration

GAD 250/240- Business Communications¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014


GEO 390- Writing in Geology I¡ª Effective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

GEO 460- Geomorphology¡ª Effective Spring 2004 through Summer 2014

GEO 461- Geomorphology Laboratory¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Fall 2003


GER 240- Field Study¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Spring 2009

GER 301- Composition And Conversation¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

GER 340- Field Study¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Spring 2009

GER 370- Introduction To The Study Of Literature¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

GER 371- Introduction to the Study of Literature¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

GER 402- Advanced Composition And Conversation¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

GER 440- Field Study¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Spring 2009

Health Care Administration

HCA 301- The American Health Care System¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

HCA 420- Management Of Health Care Organizations¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004


HED 460- Foundations of a Coordinated School Health Program¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HED 475- Nutrition and Physical Activity¡ª Effective Spring 2006 through Summer 2014

Physical Education - Professional

PED 330- Motor Learning and Development¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PED 430- Psychosocial Aspects Of Physical Activity¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Fall 2009

PED 440- Modes And Models In Physical Education¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

PED 466- Sport Facility Management¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

Health Sciences

HSC 426- Functional Performance in Older Adults¡ª Effective Spring 2008 through Spring 2008

HSC 426- Functional Performance in Older Adults¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

HSC 439H- Honors Independent Research II¡ª Effective Fall 2006 through Summer 2014

HSC 440- Physical Therapy Management Of Complex Conditions I¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2001

HSC 446- Physical Therapy Scientific Inquiry¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2001

HSC 467- Practicum in Gerontology¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2003

HSC 474- Research In Occupational Therapy¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2003

HSC 483- Writing in Health Sciences¡ª Effective Summer 2005 through Summer 2014

HSC 484- Advanced Research and Writing in Health Sciences¡ª Effective Summer 2005 through Summer 2014

HSC 493- Physical Therapy Special Topics¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2001

PER 401- Advanced Individual Research and Preparation for Writing¡ª Effective Spring 2004 through Fall 2008


HIS 201H- Urban America in the Last Half of 20th Century: Crises/Opportunities/Solutions - Cleveland¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 271- Empire's End: British Asia¡ª Effective Spring 2008 through Spring 2008

HIS 301- American Cultural History, 1865 To The Present¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 302- US Slavery, Abolition, and Politics, 1820-1860¡ª Effective Spring 2008 through Spring 2008

HIS 302- US Slavery, Abolition, and Politics, 1820-1860¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

HIS 303- Recent U.S. Social History¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 304- U.S. Urban History¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 305- Social Thought of African-Americans¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

HIS 306- History of Ohio¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

HIS 311- Introduction to Public History¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 312- 17th-Century America¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 313- 18th-Century America¡ª Effective Fall 2009 through Summer 2014

HIS 314- Introduction to American Studies¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

HIS 315- Radicals and Reformers in 19th-Century U.S.¡ª Effective Summer 2005 through Summer 2014

HIS 317- Civil War And Reconstruction, 1848 to 1877¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Summer 2014

HIS 318- Black America and Africa¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

HIS 319- History of U.S. Tourism¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Summer 2014

HIS 320- U.S. Foreign Policy Since 1898¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

HIS 322- Recent American History¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Fall 2003

HIS 323- Recent American History¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 324- Black Is/Black Ain't: Defining Black America¡ª Effective Fall 2005 through Spring 2008

HIS 324- Black Is/Black Ain'T:Defining Black America¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 325- Black America Since 1945¡ª Effective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

HIS 326- African American History Through Sacred Music¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Summer 2014

HIS 327- American Sexual Communities and Politics¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 331- Rise of Rome¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

HIS 331- Rise of Rome¡ª Effective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

HIS 332- Byzantine History and Civilization¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

HIS 334- Ancient World at War: Greece and Persia (4)¡ªEffective Spring 2012

HIS 336- Tudor and Stuart England, 1450-1688¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

HIS 337- Britain 1688 to 1832¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

HIS 339- Great Britain: Empire to Welfare State¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

HIS 340- The Roman Empire¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 341- Early Middle Ages¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 342- Late Middle Ages¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 343- Social History of the Black Death¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 344- The Renaissance¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

HIS 345- Church, State,and Society in Reformation Europe¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

HIS 346- 17th- and 18th-Century Europe¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 349- France and the French Revolution¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

HIS 350- Golden Age Spain¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 351- Social and Economic History of 19th-Century Europe¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 352- Political History of 19th-Century Europe¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

HIS 352- Political History of 19th-Century Europe¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

HIS 353- 20th-Century Europe 1914 to the Present¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Fall 2009

HIS 354- European Women's History¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 357- World War I: The Western Front¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2003

HIS 363- Russian Literature and Society¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Fall 2008

HIS 364- Caribbean History to 1804: Conquest, Colonization, Slavery, and Revolution¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

HIS 365- Comparative Slavery¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 366- Colonial Latin America¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 367- Modern Latin America¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

HIS 369- Comparative Emancipation¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Summer 2014

HIS 370- World History¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

HIS 374- 20th Century China¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

HIS 375- Pre-Colonial Africa to 1800¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

HIS 376- Modern Africa Since 1800¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

HIS 377- History of Islamic Civilizations¡ª Effective Summer 2007 through Summer 2014

HIS 379- Collective Survival in the African Diaspora¡ª Effective Fall 2007 through Spring 2009

HIS 381- Class, Gender and Sexuality in China¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

HIS 382- Origins and Consequences of Total War¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Fall 2009

HIS 383- The Making of Modern Southeast Asia¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

HIS 386- History of the Middle East to 1798¡ª Effective Spring 2007 through Summer 2014

HIS 387- Modern Middle East¡ª Effective Spring 2006 through Summer 2014

HIS 392- History of South Africa Since 1900¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

HIS 400- Local History Seminar¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

HIS 401- History Seminar¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

IME 330- Operations Analysis I¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

IME 331- Operations Analysis II¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

IME 480- Engineering Design¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

IME 481- Senior Design¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

Management and Labor Relations

MLR 431- Employment Practices Law¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

MLR 465- Management Strategy and Policy¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

MLR 496- Special Problems¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004


MKT 351- Business, Society, and Government¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014


MTH 358- Abstract Algebra¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

MTH 381- Analysis¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

MTH 496- Senior Project¡ª Effective Fall 2007 through Spring 2009

Mechanical Engineering

MCE 450- Design Project I¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

MCE 451- Design Project II¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

Modern Languages

MLA 260- Language, Society And Culture¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

MLA 330- Gods, Heroes, and Ritual: An Introduction to Greek Myth and Religion¡ª Effective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

MLA 334- Ancient World at War: Greece and Persia (4)¡ªEffective Spring 2012


MUS 412- Music History II¡ª Effective Spring 2010 through Summer 2014

MUS 412HC- Music History II¡ª Effective Spring 2010 through Summer 2014

Nonprofit Administration

NAD 410- Proposal Writing and Program Development¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

Baccalaureate Nursing Program

NUR 200- Theory and Professional Practice¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

NUR 300- Nursing Leadership and Management¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

NUR 310- Nursing Research¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

NUR 340- Theory and Professional Practice¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

NUR 346- Professional Writing and Communication¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

NUR 350- Leadership And Management¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

NUR 360- Nursing Research¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

NUR 408- Gerontological Nursing¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

NUR 414- Community Health Nursing - Clinical¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

NUR 498- Health Of Older Persons¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009


PHL 213H- Environmental Ethics - Honors¡ª Effective Fall 2006 through Summer 2014

PHL 215- Engineering Ethics¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 225H- Utopias, Dystopias, and Human Nature¡ª Effective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

PHL 242H- Ethics and Biotechnology - Honors¡ª Effective Summer 2005 through Spring 2009

PHL 246H- Nature and Rationality - Honors¡ª Effective Summer 2006 through Spring 2009

PHL 255- Non-Western Philosophy¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Summer 2014

PHL 261- Ancient Philosophy¡ª Effective Fall 2004 through Summer 2014

PHL 263- Early Modern Philosophy¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 311- Ethics¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 321- Philosophy of Art¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 331- Philosophy of Religion¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 341- Philosophy of Law¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 345- Philosophy of Science¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 351- Social and Political Philosophy¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 361- 20th Century Continental Philosophy¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 362- American Philosophy¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 363- 19th Century Thought¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 377- Philosophy and Language¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 405- Prominent Philosophers¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 410- Studies in the History of Philosophy¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

PHL 432- 20th Century Philosophy: The Analytic Tradition¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 440- Moral Reasoning and Bioethics¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Summer 2014

PHL 441- Clinical Issues in Bioethics¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Summer 2011

PHL 442- Policy Issues in Bioethics¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Summer 2014

PHL 443- Bioethics and the Law¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

PHL 444- Bioethics and Biotechnology¡ª Effective Spring 2008 through Summer 2014

PHL 450- Philosophy of Mind¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 453- Social, Political and Legal Philosophy¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 471- Theory of Knowledge¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 481- Metaphysics¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHL 491- Senior Seminar in Philosophy¡ª Effective Spring 2010 through Summer 2014


PHY 243- University Physics I Writing¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHY 243H- University Physics I - Honors¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHY 244- University Physics II Writing¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHY 244H- University Physics II Honors¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PHY 301- Research Methods - Writing¡ª Effective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

PHY 335- Modern Physics Laboratory¡ª Effective Spring 2007 through Spring 2009

PHY 482- Introduction to Solid State Physics¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

Political Science

PSC 305- Cultural Diversity in U.S. Politics¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

PSC 314- State Government and Politics¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

PSC 317- Political Parties and Elections¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 319- Public Opinion¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 321- Political Violence¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Fall 2009

PSC 323- African Politics¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

PSC 324- Russia and the Successor States¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

PSC 325- Western European Politics¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 326- Politics of the Third World¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 326- Politics of the Third World¡ª Effective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

PSC 327- Politics of Peaceful World Change¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 328- International Political Economy¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 329- Politics and Political Economy in the European Union¡ª Effective Spring 2006 through Summer 2014

PSC 330- U.S. National Security Policy¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

PSC 331- United States Foreign Policy¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 332- Politics in the Middle East¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

PSC 333- Latin American Politics¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 334- Causes of War¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 335- East Asian Politics¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 337- Canadian Government and Politics¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

PSC 338- Central and Eastern Europe¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

PSC 340- Foundations of Political Thought¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 341- Modern Political Thought¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 342- American Political Thought¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 393- Special Topics In Political Science¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

PSC 394- Special Topics In Political Science¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

PSC 402- Campaign Politics Internship¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

PSC 420- Seminar in American Politics¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 421- Seminar in Comparative Politics¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 422- Seminar in International Relations¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 423- Seminar In Political Theory¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSC 424- Seminar in Urban Politics¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004


PSY 351- Personal Behavior Modification¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2003

PSY 412- Psychology Laboratory¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

PSY 414- Writing in Psychology¡ª Effective Fall 2003 through Summer 2014

PSY 451- Human Performance¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2003

PSY 479- History of Psychology¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2003

PSY 481- Psychopharmacology¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2003

PSY 482- Biological Basis of Behavior¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2003

PSY 498H- Honors Project and Defense¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

Public Safety Management

PSM 302- Contemporary Urban Issues¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

Religious Studies

REL 236- Introduction to the New Testament¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Fall 2008

REL 237- Paul and the Development Of Christianity - Writing¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2008

REL 238- The Later New Testament - Writing¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2008

REL 239- Introduction to the Old Testament - Writing¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Fall 2008

REL 245- Religion in America¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

REL 260- Women and Religion¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

REL 336- Hellenistic and Roman Religions¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

REL 343- Ancient and Medieval Christianity¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

REL 344- The Rise of Modern Christianity¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

REL 346- Christian Mysticism¡ª Effective Spring 2010 through Summer 2014

REL 355- Religion after Freud and Jung¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

REL 366- Modern Islamic Movements¡ª Effective Spring 2006 through Summer 2014

REL 367- Muslim Relations with Christians and Jews¡ª Effective Fall 2007 through Summer 2014

REL 368- Religion in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict¡ª Effective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

REL 374- Paul and Christian Origins¡ª Effective Spring 2010 through Summer 2014

REL 376- Women in Early Christianity¡ª Effective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

REL 463- Myth, Legends, and Folk Tales¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

Social Work

SWK 300- Social Welfare Policy¡ª Effective Spring 2006 through Summer 2014

SWK 303- Human Behavior and Social Environments - Macro¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SWK 351- Social Work in Community Development¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

SWK 485- Interventions II¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SWK 493- Special Topics in Social Work¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Fall 2001

SWK 499- India Experience: Contemporary Social Issues in India¡ª Effective Spring 2002 through Summer 2014


SOC 203- Sociology of Poverty¡ªEffective Fall 08 until Summer 13

SOC 280H- H: Science, Technology and Society - Honors¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SOC 305- Urban Sociology¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SOC 311- Individual and Society¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SOC 312- Sociology of Mental Illness¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SOC 313- Sociology of Education¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SOC 319- Sociology of Religion¡ª Effective Spring 2010 through Summer 2014

SOC 342- Sociology of Law¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SOC 343- Medical Sociology¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SOC 345- Social Control¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SOC 346- Corporate and Governmental Deviance¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

SOC 349- Women and Crime¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Summer 2009

SOC 352- Sociological Theory¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

SOC 382- African American Communities¡ª Effective Summer 2001 through Spring 2009

SOC 383- Political Sociology¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SOC 388- Sociology of Work and Organization¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SOC 389- Sociology of Non-Western Societies¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014


SPN 202- Literature Survey¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

SPN 240- Field Study¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Spring 2009

SPN 301- Advanced Spanish: Oral Skills Emphasis¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2000

SPN 302- Advanced Spanish: Writing Skills Emphasis¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SPN 303- Advanced Comprehension and Conversation for Native Speakers¡ª Effective Summer 2000 through Fall 2009

SPN 340- Field Study¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Spring 2009

SPN 371- Introduction To Spanish Literature¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

SPN 371- Introduction To Spanish Literature¡ª Effective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

SPN 372- Introduction To Spanish American Literature¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

SPN 372- Introduction To Spanish American Literature¡ª Effective Spring 2012

SPN 402- Advanced Grammar and Stylistics¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SPN 405- Advanced Grammar And Stylistics¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Fall 2009

SPN 440- Field Study¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Spring 2009

SPN 446- Studies In Spanish American Civilization¡ª Effective Summer 2004 through Spring 2009

SPN 483- Studies In Spanish Literature¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

SPN 484- Studies In Spanish American Literature¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

Speech and Hearing

SPH 431- Basic Speech and Language Disorders¡ª Effective Spring 2009 through Summer 2014

Theater Arts

THE 211- History Of The Theatre I¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

THE 212- History of the Theatre II¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

THE 213- History of the Theatre III¡ª Effective Summer 2003 through Summer 2014

DRA 314- Plays In Performance I¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

DRA 315- Plays In Performance II¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

DRA 316- Plays in Performance III¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

Urban Services Administration

USA 410- Proposal Writing and Program Development¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

Urban Studies

UST 202- Cleveland:The African-American Experience¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2001

UST 202- Cleveland:The African-American Experience¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

UST 251- The African-American Image on Film¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

UST 290- Urban Geography¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

UST 302- Contemporary Urban Issues¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

UST 374- American Architecture¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

UST 375- Cities And Planning¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

UST 375- Cities And Planning¡ª Effective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

UST 375- Cities And Planning¡ª Effective Summer 2005 through Spring 2009

UST 410- Proposal Writing and Program Development¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

UST 416- Cleveland Neighborhoods and Neighborhood Institutions¡ª Effective Spring 2005 through Spring 2009

UST 418- Urban Planning¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

UST 420- Urban Design Seminar¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

UST 435- Environmental Policy and Administration¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

UST 436- Urban Sustainability¡ª Effective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

UST 436HC- Urban Sustainability¡ª Effective Fall 2010 through Summer 2014

UST 456- Fundamentals of Nonprofit Administration and Leadership¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Fall 2000

UST 458- Urban Policy¡ªEffective Fall 1998 through Summer 2014

UST 472- Canadian Studies¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2004

UST 475- Cleveland :Form and Development of an Urban Environment¡ª Effective Fall 1998 through Spring 2009

UST 478- Sacred Landmarks¡ª Effective Fall 2008 through Summer 2014

Campus Location
Office of Instructional Excellence
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 223
Cleveland, Ohio 44115