Faculty FAQ

Blue Explorance FAQs: Faculty

When do evaluations start? When do they close?

In general, course evaluations start in the 12th week and close on the 14th week of the semester. Courses whose opening and closing dates do not fit the semester schedule (ALT sessions, summer sessions, etc) will have their evaluation window scaled appropriately. Specific start and end dates for each course offered can be found here: /irtableau/course-evaluation-interactive-timeline

Select your college, department, course, and section from the drop-down boxes on the upper-right side of the page; the dates will be automatically generated.

If it appears that a student has erroneously completed an evaluation form for my class thinking that it was for a completely different class and instructor, can these responses be removed from my reports?

Unfortunately, we cannot remove individual course evaluation submissions from the system, especially after the various reports have been run and distributed. If a student informs us that they’ve filled out a form incorrectly or made a mistake on it after they've submitted it, we can reset their evaluation form so they can go back into it and make corrections, at least within a certain time frame. However, outside of that scenario, we don't have the option to change it or remove it.

Can I check the response rates for my course evaluations?

Yes. During the administration period, you can check on your response rates by visiting the Blue Explorance dashboard: http://csuohio.bluera.com/csuohio You will be asked to log in using the same CSU ID and password you use to check your email. After the evaluation period, you can access your evaluation summary reports via the same link. However, the reports will not be available until after the grading period has ended.

Where can I see the evaluation results/feedback for my courses?

After course grades have been submitted, you will receive an email with a direct link to your evaluation feedback reports. You can also access results from the Blue Explorance dashboard: http://csuohio.bluera.com/csuohio You will be asked to log in using the same CSU ID and password you use to check your email.

Can I opt out of the online course evaluation?

Per the Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) policies set by the faculty senate, all students in all courses need to have the opportunity to evaluate their courses. In order to opt out of this process you will need the approval of your chair, dean, and the University Faculty Affairs Committee (UFAC). Those who are granted an exemption will need to work with their college/department to find an alternative method for evaluating their courses.

I am supervising a course (thesis, independent study, etc) with only one student. Will he/she be asked to evaluate my instruction?

Yes. Per the Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) policies set by the faculty senate, all students in all courses need to have the opportunity to evaluate their courses. That said, evaluation feedback reports are only generated for courses with two or more students.

I have questions that have not been answered by this page. Who can I contact for more information?

The Office of Institutional Research maintains an email account specifically for questions regarding course evaluations: course.evaluation@csuohio.edu. This account is monitored regularly during the semester and is checked twice daily when the evaluation window is open.

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 220
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Office of Institutional Research
2300 Euclide Avenue
Parker Hannifin Admin. Center AC 220
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216.687.4700
Fax: 216.687.5372

Thomas R. Geaghan
Director of Institutional Research
Phone: 216.687.4745