Celebrating Black History

CSU hosts American Legacy Magazine Exhibit

As part of its celebration of Black History Month, Cleveland State University will host a traveling exhibit highlighting the contributions of African Americans to American society and culture. American Legacy magazine???s Know Your History project, now in its tenth year, is a ???museum on wheels??? which travels to cities around the country during the month of February telling the stories of black men and women whose innovations and accomplishments compose our history and continue to empower Americans of all ages, colors and creeds.

The exhibit will visit Cleveland February 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will be located on the CSU campus at the corner of East 22nd Street and Payne Avenue. The event, which is free and open to the public, is cosponsored by CSU???s Black Studies Program, the City of Cleveland, and the Urban League of Greater Cleveland.

???The Know Your History project provides a tremendous opportunity for communities across the country to learn more about the amazing contributions African Americans have made to American history,??? says Thomas Bynum, director of the Black Studies Program at CSU. ???We are honored to partner with the Urban League and the City of Cleveland to bring this important resource to Northeast Ohio.???

American Legacy was founded in 1995 and is a quarterly magazine that covers African-American history and culture. It created the Know Your History project in 2008 to enhance understanding of and community conversation surrounding black history and culture and its impact on American society.
