Joseph Han of CSU Honored for Outstanding Facilities Management

Joseph Han, Ed.D., associate vice president of administration and operations at Cleveland State University, has received the President’s Award from APPA: Leadership in Educational Facilities, an industry association representing more than 12,000 educational facilities professionals from 1,300 educational institutions across North America

joseph_han.pngThis prestigious honor is reserved for administrators who have demonstrated exceptional achievement in facilities management.

APPA President Randolph Hare presented the award to Dr. Han during the 2015 APPA Annual Conference, held August 4-6 in Chicago.

Before joining CSU three years ago, Dr. Han served as associate vice president of facilities services at Idaho State University from 2009 to 2012. His previous experience also includes stints as the director of facilities management at California State University, Chico, and Azusa Pacific University.

Dr. Han holds a doctorate of education from Idaho State University, as well as master’s degrees in business administration and organizational leadership from Azusa Pacific University and a bachelor’s degree in animal physiology from the University of California, San Diego.