Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs Announces Accredited Program

The Center for Public & Nonprofit Management at the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs received word June 4 that their Ohio Certified Public Manager Program is now fully accredited. This accreditation means the Ohio CPM program can grant eligible candidates with nationally-recognized CPM credentials.

"The Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs has earned a national reputation as a thought leader in public sector management and leadership,??? explained Rob Ziol, Director of the Center for Public & Nonprofit Management at Levin College. ???The program fosters innovation, efficiency, and effectiveness - especially during these challenging times."

The Certified Public Manager Program is a nationally certified development program for state and local government leaders. Through the program, leaders are equipped with ways to enact positive organizational change through public service. There is a focus on generating value for the public through innovative practices, experiential learning, and personal and professional growth.

The Certified Public Manager Consortium Executive Council of the Board of Directors unanimously voted to accredit the Ohio CPM Program.

???Every person interviewed indicated that this program is well needed and fills educational and leadership gaps,??? reported Mary DeLorenzo, overseer of the CPM Program in New Mexico.  ???Kudos for creating an atmosphere for collaborative growth and learning even among seasoned public servants.???

Cleveland State???s Public Management Academy is a one-year, comprehensive program. Participants engage in customized workshops to hone their supervisory and management skills and submit a final capstone project for review.

Learn more about the accredited CPM Program here.