Top Hospital CEO Share Insights

Top Hospital CEOs Share Insights at CSU Health-Care Forum:

The leaders of Northeast Ohio’s top health-care systems – ClevelandClinic President and CEO Delos M. “Toby” Cosgrove, University Hospitals CEO Thomas F. Zenty III and MetroHealth System President and CEO Akram Boutros – met at Cleveland State University on February 3 for a panel discussion on “Meeting the Challenges of 21st Century Education and Health.”

forum_lrg.pngCSU President Ronald M. Berkman moderated the thought-provoking and lively exchange of ideas before a capacity crowd in the CSU Student Center’s Glasscock Family Ballroom, presented as part of the 50th Anniversary CSU Presidential Forums series.

The discussion touched on a wide range of topics, including the Affordable Care Act, the need for better end of life care and the changing dynamics of the health-care workforce.

For more details, check out CSU’s ENGAGED blog.