Suicide Prevention Education

VikesCare_Peer Education_web-only.pngPeer Educators are nationally certified through BACCHUS of NASPA. They are trained in referral skills, help seeking skills, communication and responding skills, leadership and intervention strategies.

The "Peer Education for Suicide Prevention Education" module is a specific initiative from the CSU Peer Education Program to address suicide prevention education across campus.  Peers are trained in Mental Health First Aid by recovery Resources. 

There goals include: reducing the stigma towards mental illness and suicide, encouraging self-help strategies, increasing awareness of group specific resources, and building a safe CSU community.

If you are interested in becoming a Suicide Prevention Peer Educator complete the form below . For information on other volunteer opportunities with the Health & Wellness Center, contact Denise Keary, Health and Wellness Coordinator, 216-687-2048.

  • Current Start
  • Past Experience
  • References
  • Questions
  • Complete
