Take the Stairs

Choosing to take the stairs instead of the elevator can provide numerous health benefits including improved cardiovascular health, reduced cholesterol levels and increased muscular strength. Taking the stairs also burns calories and assists in weight management. And, when fewer people use elevators, stair use can also contribute to a reduction in building energy consumption!

Reminders about the health and environmental benefits of taking the stairs instead of the elevator have been placed around campus. If you're able, take the stairs whenever you can!

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The Office of Sustainability has partnered with VikeHealth and Well-Being to offer points for faculty and staff who participate. Earn 75 or 150 VikeHealth points for commitments of four or eight weeks. 

Learn about VikeHealth Challenges or download the StairWell to Health challenge guide for more information!



Jennifer McMillin
Director of Sustainability
1802 East 25th St.
Plant Services 219
Phone: (216) 523-7462