Miscellaneous Resources

Miscellaneous Resources:

Below, we share some resources that may help Chairs/Directors increase gender equity in ways not captured in our other documents. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about these resources.

If you find a helpful resource that is not yet included on this list, please let us know.

If you use one of these resources, we would appreciate it if you would let us know about your experience. Was it helpful? How did you adapt it for CSU and for your unit? Would you recommend it for others?


  • 1400 Degrees
    • Source: Heising-Simons Foundation
    • Summary: Collection of website resources related to gender equality in physics and astronomy. Includes interviews with women physicists and astronomers, evidence-based practices, and opportunities for networking, mentoring, etc.
    • For more information: https://1400degrees.org/

Email us

Email us at flags@csuohio.edu