Faculty Resources

This page contains resources that may be useful to faculty members. The links here reflect the wide variety of resources and benefits at CSU.

Work/Life Balance
Tenure Extension

Faculty who bear children, have dependent care responsibilities, take medical leave or have other unusual circumstances may apply to have an extension of the time counted toward the relevant tenure probationary period.  Faculty who would like to request an extension, may contact the Provost's Office for more information. 

Employee Assistance

Cleveland State University offers an Employee Assistance Program.  The program is designed to offer confidential guidance and assistance with many of lifes challenges.  Services include mental health counseling, alcohol and drug abuse counseling, legal and financial assistance and childcare/eldercare and other family issues.  For more informatation, review the Employee Assistance Program page.  


Cleveland State University encourages faculty members to create and maintain healthy work-life/ work-career balance habits to achieve and sustain a rewarding career at CSU. The IDEAL-N project page provides additional materials related to work/life balance.

Reasonable Accommodations 

All individuals employed or applying for employment at Cleveland State University, believing they are an individual with a disability, and would like to request reasonable accommodation(s) under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008(ADAAA), must meet with a designated ADA Coordinator in the Department of Human Resources.

An accommodation is a reasonable modification or adjustment to the work environment that enables a qualified individual with a disability to perform the essential duties of their job, or enjoy the same benefits and privileges of employment as are enjoyed by non-disabled individuals.

Click here to review additional information and details regarding the process to request an accommodation.  


The project FLAGS (Faculty Leaders Advancing Gender Equity in STEM) was started at CSU with the goal in mind of increasing and maintaining gender equity among faculty, especially in STEM fields. Click here to learn more about the FLAGS program.

Internal Funding Programs

Cleveland State University provides internal funding opportunities to support our faculty's research efforts.  Click here to learn about current internally funded programs at CSU.

Emeritus Faculty

Emeritus and emerita status reflecting the rank achieved as a faculty member shall be conferred upon qualified retiring faculty members who request it. Appointment to an emeritus or emerita faculty rank shall be granted only to retiring faculty members who have achieved the rank of associate professor or professor, associate college lecturer or senior college lecturer, associate professor of practice or professor of practice, clinical associate professor or clinical professor, college of law clinical professor or college of law legal writing professor at Cleveland state university and have served Cleveland state university full-time for at least ten years.

Privileges and responsibilities

Emeritus or emerita faculty members may from time to time be requested to teach a course. They have the right to attend appropriate faculty meetings, whether these are committee, departmental, college, faculty senate, or university faculty meetings. They may serve on faculty committees but may not vote in faculty meetings. They should be provided with reasonable facilities and privileges, as recommended by departmental chairpersons, to the extent that university resources reasonably allow; final determination shall be made by the president. Their names shall be listed in the university bulletins and directory, and they shall receive any other benefits and privileges specified by the president.


Upon appointment to emeritus or emerita faculty status, a retiring associate professor or professor shall be designated associate professor emeritus/emerita or professor emeritus/emerita. A retiring associate college lecturer or senior college lecturer shall be designated associate college lecturer emeritus/emerita or senior college lecturer emeritus/emerita. A retiring, associate professor of practice or professor of practice shall be designated associate professor of practice emeritus/emerita or professor of practice emeritus/emerita. A retiring clinical associate professor or clinical professor shall be designated clinical associate professor emeritus/emerita or clinical professor emeritus/emerita. A retiring college of law clinical professor or college of law legal writing professor shall be designated college of law clinical professor emeritus/emerita or college of law legal writing professor emeritus/emerita.


Retired faculty who would like to request Emeritus Status, should send a one-page CV, along with their current address and phone number, to Michael Artbauer, Provost's Chief of Staff, at m.artbauer@csuohio.edu.  The deadlines to submit are either June 1 or January 1 each academic year, depending on the retirement date.  

Mailing Address
Office of the Provost
Cleveland State Univeristy
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 333
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Administration Center, Room 333
2300 Euclid Avenue
Phone: 216.687.3588
Fax: 216.687.9290