General Education 98 English Composition Writing

Requirement: Six to Seven (6-7) credit hours

English 101 (English I)

Fundamentals of expository writing and the reading of expository prose; word processing instruction; general information literacy.

English 102 (English II) or other approved courses

The course may be taught for a discipline or generalized for all. Course topics will include: research techniques and critical thinking appropriate for discipline; methods of argument; clarity of organization and expression; preparation of longer writing projects; and information literacy specific to the discipline.

The passing grade for English 101 and 102 is "C" or better.

  • English
    • ENG 100 - Intensive College Writing —Effective Fall 2010 through Current
    • ENG 101 - College Writing I
    • ENG 102 - College Writing II
    • ENG 201 - Intermediate Expository Writing —Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2005
    • ENG 240 - Introduction to Poetry —Effective Fall 2004 through Current
    • ENG 240H - Introduction to Poetry - Honors —Effective Fall 2004 through Current
    • ENG 241 - Introduction to Fiction and Drama —Effective Fall 2004 through Current
    • ENG 241H - Writing About Literature: Fiction and Drama - Honors —Effective Fall 2004 through Current
    • ENG 300 - Writing About Literature —Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2004
    • ENG 301 - Advanced Expository Writing —Effective Fall 1998 through Summer 2004
  • Engineering Science
    • ESC 102 - Technical Writing and Professional Communication
  • First College
    • FST 101 - Eng-English I
    • FST 102 - Eng-English II
    • FST 115 - Freshman Seminar
    • FST 116 - Freshman Seminar
  • Mechanical Engineering
    • MCE 102 - Technical Writing and Professional Communication
  • Music
    • MUS 113 - Writing About Music
  • Urban Studies
    • UST 102 - Professional Writing

Campus Location
Office of Instructional Excellence
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 223
Cleveland, Ohio 44115