Writing and Speaking Across the Curriculum

Starting in Fall 2025 with the launch of the Inquiry Core Curriculum, the following changes are also being made to the Writing & Speaking Across the Curriculum program:

  • Students will be required to complete at least two WAC/SPAC courses, rather than three under GenEd08. This change will apply to all students, including those who stay on GenEd08 catalog rights.
    • The permission for one WAC course to be replaced by a SPAC course remains the same.
  • WAC/SPAC courses are distinct from Core Curriculum/GenEd courses. A course cannot be both part of the Core Curriculum and have WAC/SPAC status.
    • The goal of this change is to better promote the long-standing goal of WAC to be part of a tripartite writing development scaffold, from foundational composition courses to lower-level core courses, to advanced WAC courses.
  • Programs must include at least one WAC/SPAC requirement that is within their discipline and not also the program capstone.
    • The "second" WAC/SPAC course may still be the program capstone

WAC Reapprovals

In 2023, Faculty Senate adopted a set of revised criteria for WAC courses that was recommended by the Ad-Hoc Committee on Writing Across the Curriculum. Because the reapproval process dictated by that policy wasn't immediately carried out, it is now being done along with the Core Curriculum reform.

All existing Writing Across the Curriculum courses must be reapproved using the new worksheet linked below in order to keep WAC status starting in Fall 2025. SPAC courses do not need reapproval.

For assistance in completing the new WAC worksheet, you may visit the Completing the WAC Worksheet page of the Core Curriculum Handbook.

Office Information

Mailing Address
Office of Instructional Excellence
2121 Euclid Avenue
AC 220
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
Office of Instructional Excellence
2300 Euclid Avenue
AC 220
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214
Phone: (216) 687-4700
Fax: (216) 687-5372

Debbie K. Jackson
Vice Provost for Instructional Excellence
Phone: (216) 687-4700