Undergraduate Student Success Committee

Interactive Data Dashboards

The Undergraduate Student Success Committee maintains two interactive data dashboards.

  • The Student Success Dashboard contains information on retention, graduation, and "DFW" rates (the percent of students earning the grade of D, F, or W). The goal of this dashboard is to increase awareness of the progress CSU has made, as well as the challenges that remain. 
  • The Student Demographic Dashboard presents information on a variety of student characteristics. The goal of this dashboard is to increase awareness of the characteristics of our students.

Syllabus Statements

The Undergraduate Student Success Committee also maintains university Syllabus Statements. These are gathered from across the university, updated, and maintained here in one document for your convenience.  

For questions about these or other student success data, please contact Tom Geaghan, Director of Institutional Research, at t.geaghan@csuohio.edu. For questions about the syllabus statements or the committee in general, please contact your college's representative (listed here) or the committee co-chairs, Jorge Gatica, at j.gatica@csuohio.edu or Kevin Mueller, at k.mueller89@csuohio.edu.


Mailing Address Berkman Hall, room 320 2121 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44115
  Campus Location Berkman Hall 320 Phone: 216-687-9250 j.mccrone@csuohio.edu