3344-1 ?Bylaws of the Board of Trustees
3344 1 01? Meeting of the board of trustees.
3344 1 02? Officers of the board.
3344 1 03? University administration.
3344 1 04? University faculty and staff.
3344 1 05? Miscellaneous.
3344 1 06? Bylaws, rules and regulations; their promulgation, amendment and repeal.
3344 2 01? Formulation and issuance of policies.
3344 2 02? Affirmative action, equal access, equal opportunity and non-discrimination/harassment policy statement.
3344 2 03? Policy against discrimination, harassment, sexual violence and retaliation.
3344 2 04? Conflict of interest statement.
3344 2 05? Whistleblower protection.
3344 2 06? Expressive activity policy.
3344 0 09 Campus Free Speech
3344 3 01? Space, unit and entity naming.
3344 6 01? Electronic and information technology accessibility.
3344-7 ?Email Policy
3344 7 01? Purpose.
3344 7 02? Basic policy.
3344 7 03? Access to e-mail.
3344 7 04? CSU e-mail accounts.
3344 7 05? Acceptable use.
3344 7 06? Public record and privacy.
3344 7 07? Mass e-mail messages.
3344 7 08? E-mail retention and disposal.
3344 7 09? Continuance of e-mail after separation from the university.
3344 7 10? Disposition of personal e-mail on the university's e-mail system after an employee, current student or retiree's death.
3344 8 01? Electronic signatures.
3344 8 02? Administrative data policy.
3344 8 03 ?Records management and retention.
3344-11 through 16 ?Faculty Personnel Policies
3344 11 01? Faculty personnel policies.
3344 11 02? Definitions.
3344 11 03? Standards and procedure for faculty appointments, continuation, promotion and tenure (non-bargaining unit members only).
3344 11 04? Conflict of interest.
3344 11 05? Academic freedom.
3344 11 06? Sanction and dismissal procedures (non-bargaining unit members only).
3344 11 07? Appointment of chairs, school director and deans.
3344 11 08? Resignation and retirement.
3344 11 09? Leave of absence (non-bargaining unit members only).
3344 11 10? Grants and contracts for research, training, and other purposes.
3344 11 11? Consulting and other extramural employment (non-bargaining unit members only).
3344 11 12? Candidacy for public office.
3344 11 13? Attachment A to Chapter 3344-11 of the Administrative Code - 1940 statement of principles on academic freedom and tenure.
3344 11 14? Attachment B to Chapter 3344-11 of the Administrative Code - A statement on professional ethics and academic responsibility.
3344 11 15? Attachment C to Chapter 3344-11 of the Administrative Code - 1958 - statement on procedural standards in faculty dismissal proceedings.
3344 11 16? Attachment D to Chapter 3344-11 of the Administrative Code.
3344-12 ?Special Faculty Status
3344 12 01? Personnel policies for persons with special faculty status.
3344 12 02? General policies for persons with special non-bargaining faculty status.
3344 12 03? Policies pertaining to part-time single term faculty.
3344 12 04? Policies pertaining to college lecturers.
3344 12 05? Policies pertaining to clinical professors.
3344 12 06? Policies pertaining to college of law clinical professors and legal writing professors.
3344 12 07? Policies pertaining to adjunct professors.
3344 12 08? Policies pertaining to research faculty.
3344 12 09? Policies pertaining to visiting faculty.
3344-13 ?Faculty Senate
3344 13 01? Bylaws of the faculty senate.
3344 13 02? The faculty senate.
3344 13 03? Standing committees.
3344 13 04? Amendments.
3344-14 ?College of Graduate Studies
3344 14 01? Bylaws of the faculty of the college of graduate studies.
3344 14 02? Name.
3344 14 03? Membership.
3344 14 04? Powers.
3344 14 05? Officers.
3344 14 06? Meetings.
3344 14 07? Graduate council.
3344 14 08? Administrative responsibilities.
3344 14 09? Amendments.
3344-15 ?Research?Faculty
3344 15 01? Bylaws of the office of research.
3344 15 02? Name.
3344 15 03? University research council.
3344-16 ?Other Faculty Personnel Policies
3344 16 01? Other faculty personnel policies.
3344 16 02? Classroom and related responsibilities.
3344 16 03? Faculty professional development.
3344 16 04? Off-campus teaching.
3344 16 05? Faculty-student ratio.
3344 16 06? Holiday observances.
3344 16 07? Retirement.
3344 16 08? Emeritus faculty.
3344 16 09? Parking facilities.
3344 16 10? Travel expenses.
3344 16 11? 中国体育彩票APP下载:.
3344 16 12? Recreation facilities.
3344 16 13? Provision and use of university postage.
3344 16 14? University teaching council.
3344-17 ?Patent and Copyright
3344 17 01? Preamble.
3344 17 02? Patents policy.
3344 17 03? Use of copyrightable materials.
3344 18 01? Export control policy.
3344 19 01? Identity theft prevention program and red flag compliance policy.
3344-21 ?Academic Policies
3344 21 01? Grade dispute.
3344 21 02? Policy on academic misconduct.
3344 21 03? Credit by examination.
3344 21 04? Grade reporting.
3344 21 05? Incomplete grade.
3344 21 06? Releasing information about students.
3344 22 01 Textbook selection policy.
3344 27 01? Health and safety policy.
3344 23 01 Involuntary student leave of absence policy.
3344-28?Research Misconduct
3344 28 01? Introduction.
3344 28 02? Definitions.
3344 28 03? Rights and responsibilities.
3344 28 04? General policies.
3344 28 05? Inquiry.
3344 28 06? Conducting the investigation.
3344 28 07? Notification and reporting requirements.
3344 28 08? Other considerations.
3344 28 09? Retention of records.
3344 28 10? Sanctions and administrative actions.
3344 33 01? Policy for review of residency status.
3344 44 01? Tobacco free campus policy.
3344-48 ?Athletics Drug Education and Screening
3344 48 01? Cleveland state university drug education and screening program policy.
3344 48 02? Education and consent.
3344 48 03? Implementation of the program.
3344 48 04? Drug testing collection protocol.
3344 48 05? Effect of positive test results.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Appendix - ADD/ADHD NCAA Compliance Form
3344 48 06? Appeal process.
3344 48 07? Safe harbor program.
3344 60 01? Employee background screening policy.
3344 60 02? Hiring policy.
3344 60 03 Employer-sponsored immigration.
3344-61 ?Professional Personnel Policies
3344 61 01? Definitions.
3344 61 02? Appointment and conditions of employment.
3344 61 03? Annual performance evaluations.
3344 61 04? Job classifications and salary adjustments.
3344 61 05? Administrative leave.
3344 61 06? Progressive corrective action.
3344 61 07? Termination of employment.
3344 61 08? Complaint resolution procedure.
3344 61 09? Leaves of absence with pay.
3344 61 10? Leaves of absence without pay.
3344 61 11? Staff development program.
3344 61 12? Student fee authorization program.
3344 61 13? Consulting and extramural employment.
3344 61 14? Candidacy for public office.
3344 61 15? Conflict of interest.
3344 61 16? Ohio law.
3344 61 17? Associate of the university status.
3344 61 18? Recommendations to prospective 中国体育彩票APP下载:s.
3344 61 19? Severability.
3344 61 20? Review of personnel policies.
3344-62 ? Librarian Personnel Policies
3344 62 01? University librarians' personnel policies.
3344 62 02? Librarians' meetings.
3344 62 03? Procedures for searches, appointment to all librarian ranks, and promotion in rank for all positions except director of the university library.
3344 62 04? Review.
3344 62 05? Layoff based upon financial exigency or university reorganization.
3344 62 06? Academic freedom.
3344 62 07? Institutional due process.
3344 62 08? Dismissal.
3344 62 09? Vacation and sick leave.
3344 62 10? Leaves of absence.
3344 62 11? Resignation.
3344 62 12? Retirement.
3344 62 13? Consulting and extramural employment.
3344 62 14? Candidacy for public office.
3344 62 15? Emeritus status.
3344 62 16? Bylaws.
3344-63? Classified Employee Personnel Policies
3344 63 01 Classified employee personnel policies.
3344 63 02 Employment at Cleveland state university.
3344 63 03 Pay procedures and hours of work.
3344 65 04 Types of leave.
3344 65 05? Benefits.
3344-64 ?Investment Policy
3344 64 01? Statement of investment policy.
3344 64 02? Liquidity fund.
3344 64 03? Investment fund.
3344-65 ?Purchasing?Policies
3344 65 01? General scope and procurement authority.
3344 65 02? Definitions for procurement terms.
3344 65 03? BuyOhio.
3344 65 04? Tax exempt status.
3344 65 05? Purchases below bid threshold.
3344 65 06? Cooperative purchases and state contracts.
3344 65 07? Mandated vendors.
3344 65 08? Equipment purchases.
3344 65 09? Additional approval for certain purchases.
3344 65 10? Personal purchases.
3344 65 11? Contracts.
3344 65 12? Gifts and gratuities.
3344 65 13? Uniform policies regardless of fund source.
3344 65 14? Major purchases.
3344 65 15? Conflict of interest and ethics.
3344 65 16? Competitive bidding and competitive selection.
3344 65 17? Printing and printed materials.
3344 65 18? Minority business enterprise (MBE) set-aside.
3344 65 19? Encouraging diversity, growth and equity (EDGE) target goals.
3344 65 20? Affirmative action/equal opportunity statement.
3344 65 21? Approval of purchase orders and change orders.
3344 65 22? Changes to purchase order.
3344 65 23? Sole source procurement.
3344 65 24? Purchasing in emergency situations.
3344 65 25? Procurement policy for facility planning, design and construction services.
3344 65 26? Bidding requirements for public improvements.
3344 65 27? Procurement of professional design services.
3344 65 28? Purchasing Card.
3344 65 29? Debarment.
3344 66 01? Execution of Documents.
3344 67 01? Guidelines for establishing miscellaneous fees.
3344-69 ?Travel
3344 69 01? Purpose.
3344 69 02? Basic policy.
3344 69 03? Authorization of Travel.
3344 69 04? Prepayment of Expenses.
3344 69 05? Allowable Transportation Expenses.
3344 69 06? Allowable Lodging Expenses.
3344 69 07? Meals and Incidental Expenses.
3344 69 08? Miscellaneous Expenses.
3344 69 09? Reporting and documentation of expenses.
3344 69 10? Audits of travel expenses.
3344 70 01 Paid Parental Leave Policy.
3344 71 01? Compensation of classified employees for unused sick leave.
3344 74 01? Nine and ten month contract option for professional and classified staff.
3344 76 01? Closed Circuit Television.
3344 77 01? Access Control.
3344 78 01? Policy on the disposal of university property.
3344 79 01? Animals on campus.
3344 79 02? Service animals.
3344 80 01 University-sponsored international travel.
Visiting Committees
3344 81 01? Purpose.
3344 81 02? Duties.
3344 81 03? Committees.
3344 81 04? Meetings.
3344 81 05? Amendments?to bylaws.
3344 82 01? Deceased Student Policy.? ?
Student Code of Conduct
3344 83 01??
3344 84 01 Medical amnesty/good samaritan policy.?
Student Grievance Procedure
3344 85 01? Basic policy.
3344 85 02? Student grievance board.
3344 85 03? Jurisdiction.
3344 85 04? Procedure.
3344 86 01? Principles of excellence for veterans' education.
3344 86 02? Preferred names.
University Space
3344 90 01? University space.
3344 90 02? Use of space for non-academic purposes.
3344 90 03? Policy regarding "persona non grata" status for campus visitors.
3344 92 01? Cleveland state university police.
3344 93 01? Policy limiting carryover of vacation leave for non-bargaining classified employees.
3344-94 Minors on Campus
3344 94 01? Policy on minors involved in programs on campus and in university facilities.
3344 94 02? Definitions.
3344 94 03? Policy.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Appendix A - Medical?Information
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Appendix B - Self Administration of Medication Form
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Appendix C - ACA Recommended Ratios of Program Staff to Participants
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Appendix D - Informed Consent, Voluntary Waiver, Release of Liability & Assumption of Risk Form
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Appendix E - Photo and Video Release Form
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Appendix F - City of Cleveland Curfew Ordinance
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Appendix G - General Information Form
3344 94 04? University housing.
3344 94 05? Code of conduct for authorized adults.
3344-95 ?Child Protection and Reporting of?Child Abuse
3344 95 01? Child protection and reporting of child abuse policy.
3344 95 02? Definitions.
3344 95 03? Policy.
3344 95 04? Reporting child abuse or suspected child abuse.
3344 95 05? Liability.
3344 95 06? Compliance.