Foreign Visitors / Employees

Export control laws affect international exchange visitors and employees in a few ways.  As part of the application process for an employee (H1-B) visa, the University must attest that an export control license is not required or will be obtained for the employee to perform his or her duties.  Departments sponsoring a potential employee for an H1-B visa should review what export-controlled technology, if any, the potential employee will have access to and determine whether an export license may be needed.

In addition, the Departments of State, Commerce and the Treasury each issue lists of individuals, companies, or other organizations whose US export privileges have been restricted or revoked.  Potential exchange visitors and foreign national employees should be screened to ensure their export privileges have been revoked.

Employees and exchange visitors who are not U.S. persons should be screened when the employee/visitor is a national of Iran, Sudan, Syria, Cuba or North Korea, or when he or she will collaborate or participate in research or training in the biological or physical sciences, engineering, mathematics, information security, software development or related technologies and fields.

The University has licensed software that can be used to conduct these screenings.  Research faculty who need assistance with screening may contact Jack Kraszewski, Director, Technology Transfer Office, (216) 687-5108.  Other University personnel may contact George Hamm, Associate General Counsel, (216) 687-3543.

Campus Location
Office of University Compliance
Administration Center, 316
2300 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216-687-2125
Fax: 216-687-3736

Ethics Hotline