Procedures and Guidelines

Procedures, guidelines, by-laws, and standards

This alphabetical index provides access to the University procedures, guidelines, by-laws and standards. Please report new postings, changes, or deletions of links to the Office of General Counsel.

To view University Policies click here.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   K   L   M    N    O    P    R   S   T   U   V   W



Academic Misconduct Procedures
Academic Program Review Handbook
Access Control and Security Systems
American Association of University Professors, CSU Chapter, Agreement
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice of University contacts
Assurance of Compliance with Public Health Service Policy on the Humane care & use of Laboratory Animals (Sponsored Programs)



Bias Incident Response Team
Book of Trends and Fact Book (current and previous editions)


Campus Assessment Response and Evaluation (CARE) Team Protocol
On Campus Catering (Controller’s)
Chinese-American Faculty and Staff Association By-laws
Communication Workers of America Agreement (Human Resources)
Conference Services
Contracts, Guidance on Supplemental Contracts
Credit Card Use (Controller’s)
CSU and You – Classified Employees’ Handbook (Human Resources)


Discrimination - Procedures for Addressing Reports of Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Violence and Retaliation (Office for Institutional Equity)

Discrimination - Notice of Non-Discrimination
Driving and Motor Vehicle Procedures and Guidance



Emergency Notification Plan (Access Control)
Emergency Operations Plan
Employee Clearance Procedures
Environmental Health and Safety Programs and Plans
Expressive Activity Procedures


Facilities Management
Facilities Use Procedures
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Registrar's)
Flexible Work Schedules (Human Resources)
Food Safety Recommendations
Fraternal Order of Police, Ohio Labor Council, Inc. Agreement(Human Resources)

Free Speech Complaint Procedures 


Graduate Catalogs (current and previous issues)
Graduate Studies College Academic Regulations
Graduate Teaching Assistantships 
Guidelines on the Use of Preferred Names


Health Record Privacy Practices Notice (Human Resources) 
Hearings Under the Ohio Campus Disrpution Act (1219 Hearings)
Humane care and use of Laboratory Animals, Assurance of Compliance with Public Health Service Policy on the


Institutional Review Board (Office of Research)


Keybox Access Rules and Regulations (Access Control)


Law College Student Handbook (catalog)      


Minors in Laboratories Protocol
Missed Class for University-Sponsored Activities and Religious Accommodation (Faculty Senate)
Moving Expense Guidelines
Moving Expense Reimbursement Process (Controller’s)    


Naloxone Protocol

Non-Discrimination, Notice of
Nursing Mothers, Break Time and Privacy (Human Resources)



Office of the University Architect's CAD Standards for Construction Documents
Office of the University Architect's Design Guidelines
Office of the University Architect's Finish Standards


Post Issuance Compliance Procedures for Tax-Exempt Bonds
Privacy Practice Notice re: Protected Health Information
Program Alteration Procedures (Faculty Senate)      
Public Information, University Policy on Information Released as (Registrar's)      
Public Records (Office of General Counsel)  
Purchasing - Guidelines for Competitive Solicitations  
Purchasing Procedures


Records Retention Program    
Refreshments Guidelines (Controller’s)      
Repeat Course Policy (Registrar's)
Research Conflict of Interest (Office of Research)  


Satellite Course Offerings Policy (Faculty Senate)
Science and Health Professions,College of, Faculty Bylaws 
Science and Health Professions, College of, Procedure Manual      
Service Employees International Union, District 1199, Agreement (Human Resources)
Sexual Violence Response Protocol
Signature Authority
Sponsored Programs and Research Office Grants Policy and Procedures      
Student Employment
Student Learning Assessment Policies and Procedures      
Student Records, Institutional Policy on Access to (Registrar's)      
Substance Abuse Testing Procedures (Human Resources)      


Telephone Policy (Controller's)      
Terminating/Transferring Employees Clearance Check List 
Transcript Request Procedure (Registrar's)    


Undergraduate Catalog (current and previous)


Viking Card Office Policies    


Wolstein Center Events - Procedures and Guidelines

Campus Location
Office of University Compliance
Administration Center, 316
2300 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216-687-2125
Fax: 216-687-3736

Ethics Hotline