Audio Video Conferencing

Conference Calling

Conference calls can be made through the NEC desk telephone sets or a Polycom conference unit. If you would like to order a conference unit for your department, please view polycom conference unit information sheet.

Conference Call Three Users

If you only need a total of three callers on the phone, this includes yourself and two others (either on campus or off campus callers), you can complete the call through your desk phone or Polycom Conference Unit. To complete the call, please follow these steps:

  • Have the first caller on the line (call can be internal or external)
  • Press TRANSFER button
  • Dial the next number (call can be internal or external)
  • Inform the individual that this call is a conference call
  • Press the CONF button. This button will appear on your display, next to the Mute button. Press the button directly under the conference button.
  • CONF will appear in the middle of the display

Temporary Use of Conference Unit

If your department is having a meeting and would like to be able to setup a conference call with individuals that are not able to attend, the Telecommunications Office can set up temporary service to a location. The Telecommunications Office charges a fee of $35 for temporary use of a conference unit.

The requirements to setup a conference unit are:

  • The room needs to have a telephone jack already installed in the room
  • There must be a power supply available for the conference unit

To order this service, please open a service ticket with  and include the following information:

  • Department name
  • Department contact
  • Department account number
  • Date conference unit will be needed
  • Location of meeting
  • Time for conference unit

The Telecommunications Office will set up the conference unit and answer any questions that you may have about the usage of the phone.  After the meeting, the phone will be picked up from the location.

If you have any questions, please contact the Telecommunications Office at 216-687-3881.